2013 Conference (Los Angeles)

ONO’s 2013 annual conference will be in Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A., May 19-22, 2013.

Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible so we can have a head count for the logistics of the conference. A form for reservations is available at this link.

We will be hosted for part of the conference by the Los Angeles Times, and we will divide our meeting venues between their historical building and the hotel. We are also in the process of organizing some very California experiences (no hot tubs included) designed to show this great city and Southern California at their best!

We will also be providing simultaneous translation at the conference – Spanish/English.

Conference fees this year will be the same as last year’s conference in Copenhagen – US$300 for ONO members and US$200 for spouses/partners.

We would prefer to receive the fees in advance of the conference and payable to Kim Bayardo via Paypal. ***Please indicate that you are sending conference fees, not annual dues.*** Thanks. (For those of you who still haven’t sent in your annual dues, it’s not too late!!!).

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