Join ONO!

The Organization of News Ombuds and Standard Editors aims to be a voice for all those working to defend the role of the media through the development and oversight of appropriate editorial standards.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please email us at
If you are already a member and wish to pay your membership dues, click on this link or copy/paste it in your browser :
Full Membership in ONO is open to any ombudsman, standards editor, public editor or readers’ editor working for a media organization.
Discounted membership is generally available for ombudsmen or standards/public/readers’ editors from developing or low income nations as defined by the World Bank or for small media organisations with fewer than 200 staff. Please contact ONO to see if you are eligible for the discounted rate. 
Associate membership  is offered to media academics, journalists or anyone professionally involved in media or media ethics.

Membership Category


Full Membership


Discounted Membership


Associate Membership


Former or Retired Ombudsmen
