#2445: The Cheapskate Sweepstakes : The Best of Car Talk Brian wants to spend only a few bucks to make his antique pickup truck handle like a sportscar. Candace's hubby thinks she can save a few pennies on gas by coasting whenever possible. And Keller has purloined a street sign to use as a floorboard in his VW Bug. Who will win 'The Cheapskate Sweepstakes' on this episode of the Best of Car Talk?
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#2445: The Cheapskate Sweepstakes

#2445: The Cheapskate Sweepstakes

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Brian wants to spend only a few bucks to make his antique pickup truck handle like a sportscar. Candace's hubby thinks she can save a few pennies on gas by coasting whenever possible. And Keller has purloined a street sign to use as a floorboard in his VW Bug. Who will win 'The Cheapskate Sweepstakes' on this episode of the Best of Car Talk?
Get access to hundreds of episodes in the Car Talk archive when you sign up for Car Talk+ at plus.npr.org/cartalk