Access Utah Access Utah is UPR's original program focusing on the things that matter to Utah. The hour-long show airs daily at 9:00 a.m. and covers everything from pets to politics in a range of formats from in-depth interviews to call-in shows. Email us at or call at 1-800-826-1495.
Access Utah

Access Utah

From Utah Public Radio

Access Utah is UPR's original program focusing on the things that matter to Utah. The hour-long show airs daily at 9:00 a.m. and covers everything from pets to politics in a range of formats from in-depth interviews to call-in shows. Email us at or call at 1-800-826-1495.

Most Recent Episodes

Revisiting 'Deep Creek' with Pam Houston on Access Utah

Pam Houston is the author of the memoir, Deep Creek: Finding Hope In The High Country, as well as two novels and a collection of essays. We revisit our conversation from September 2021.

Revisiting 'Chances Are...': The Vietnam War with Richard Russo on Access Utah

On this episode we'll revisit our conversation from August 2018 with Richard Russo about his book Chances Are...

Revisiting 'Chances Are...': The Vietnam War with Richard Russo on Access Utah

Revisiting 'Chesapeake Requiem' With Earl Swift On Tuesday's Access Utah

We'll revisit our conversation from August 2018 with Earl Swift, talking about his book Chesapeake Requiem: A Year with the Watermen of Vanishing Tangier Island.

Revisiting 'Chesapeake Requiem' With Earl Swift On Tuesday's Access Utah

Magic and more with Richard Hatch on Monday's Access Utah

Our guest Richard Hatch joins us for the hour to talk about magic, as well as his recent translation of the 1933 book 'Die Juden in der Zauberkunst', or 'Jews and Magic,' from a German author killed in the holocaust.

Memes, conspiracy theories, and fake news on Access Utah

Lynne McNeill is an associate professor at Utah State University as well as co-founder of and faculty advisor for the USU Folklore Club.

University inclusion centers close and USU Eastern employee scandal on Access Utah

The Salt Lake Tribune recently reported that a Utah State University employee was paid for 2 years while he didn't work. The employee at the school's Price campus was supposed to oversee programs for local businesses.

University inclusion centers close and USU Eastern employee scandal on Access Utah

The promising comeback of condors with Marlowe Starling on Access Utah

Writer Marlowe Starling joined us to talk about her recent article in Deseret Magazine titled "Consider the Condor." She writes, "Once on the brink of extinction, the bald, feathered symbol of the West is making a promising comeback. If only we can get the lead out."

Bestselling romance author RaeAnne Thayne on Access Utah

Today our guest is northern Utah resident and bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne. She will publish her 75th book, "The December Market," later this year.

The future of the Colorado River on Access Utah

Today we'll check in with reporter Alex Hager. He reports for the Colorado River Reporting Project and you hear his stories regularly on UPR.

The perils of living in the Pyrocene on Access Utah

"Today we live in a fire age in which ancient prophecies of worlds destroyed and renewed by fire have become contemporary realities, even for people living in modern cities," Stephen Pyne says.