Nature Notes Nature Notes explores the natural world of the Llano Estacado and the Chihuahuan Desert. We look at the plants, animals, and ecology of this unique region, as well as places to experience it and people working to conserve it. This free 4 1/2-minute weekly environmental feature is produced by Marfa Public Radio in Marfa, Texas, in conjunction with the Sibley Nature Center in Midland, Texas. Through interviews with scientists and field recordings, Nature Notes reveals the secrets of desert life. The program airs Tuesday and Thursday on KRTS Marfa at 93.5 FM and KXWT at 91.3 FM in the Permian Basin.
Nature Notes

Nature Notes

From Marfa Public Radio

Nature Notes explores the natural world of the Llano Estacado and the Chihuahuan Desert. We look at the plants, animals, and ecology of this unique region, as well as places to experience it and people working to conserve it. This free 4 1/2-minute weekly environmental feature is produced by Marfa Public Radio in Marfa, Texas, in conjunction with the Sibley Nature Center in Midland, Texas. Through interviews with scientists and field recordings, Nature Notes reveals the secrets of desert life. The program airs Tuesday and Thursday on KRTS Marfa at 93.5 FM and KXWT at 91.3 FM in the Permian Basin.

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