Guidance: Embargoed Reports Must Be Flagged In DACS Lines : Editorial Guidance from the Managing Editor Instructions on how to enter information about exclusives that have embargo times.

Guidance: Embargoed Reports Must Be Flagged In DACS Lines

If a report we're doing is embargoed, the DACS line must read as follows, asterisks and all:


NPR's [insert name of correspondent or NPR desk] has an exclusive.

This story is embargoed until [time ET]. We will post more about it here at that time.


More about the report should be entered into the Newsflex "notes" field. Here's how to do that:

***EMBARGOED*** until [time ET]. Acme Corp. will announce Wednesday that it has developed "rocket skates" that allow users to travel at speeds up to 250 mph, CEO Wile E. Coyote tells NPR in an exclusive interview. This report is ***EMBARGOED*** until [time ET]. Do not post about it or promote it.

Related: Do not tip the news in the "headline" field of Newsflex until after the embargo lifts.