
Forging Our Future: Challenges Facing Our Youth and How We Can Conquer Them

According to the United Nations, right now, half of the world’s population is under the age of 30—the largest share in human history. Who inspires and controls this half of the world’s population? “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world,” Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin said. Disturbing challenges are competing […]

Forging Our Future: Challenges Facing Our Youth and How We Can Conquer Them
July 13, 2024
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International Reporters Roundtable focuses on international news and deep dives. We invite dedicated panelists from around the world who will provide unique knowledge and insight into events in major centers of global activity. This show will provide a clearer picture of what is happening in other countries and how it affects—and is affected by—what’s going on within our own borders.