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Tax identification numbers

This section provides an overview of domestic rules in the jurisdictions listed below governing the issuance, structure, use and validity of Tax Identification Numbers ("TIN") or their functional equivalents.  The jurisdiction-specific information the TINs is split into a section for individuals and a section for entities and can be accessed by clicking on the name of the jurisdiction below. Each jurisdiction has provided the OECD Secretariat with input on its current rules in relation to the issuance, structure, use and validity of its TINs. While the jurisdictions and the OECD endeavour to keep the information as accurate and up to date as possible, the information in this section is to be considered as preliminary guidance only. If further questions in relation to a TIN arise, it is recommended that the tax administration of the relevant jurisdiction be contacted directly. 


Latest update: 19 March 2024 (Click here for breakdown of updates)




The jurisdiction-specific information published on the OECD AEOI Portal do not necessarily reflect the views of the OECD. While the AEOI Portal is run by the OECD, each jurisdiction is responsible for its jurisdiction-specific content and links to its own pages. The information in this section is (i) of a general nature only and not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity, (ii) not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date, (iii) sometimes linked to external sites over which the OECD has no control and for which the OECD assumes no responsibility and (iv) not professional or legal advice. If you need specific advice, you should always consult a specialist.