Carmen Electra Covers Herself In Red, White & Blue, This Might Be The MLB Catch of the Year & White Joe Burrow

More reports from around the country as the 4th weekend rolls on

- Mike T. says his neighborhood had a bike parade: 

- Gen X Warren writes: 

We kept it simple this year, which we try to do every year. But we might go to western Michigan for the 4th next year.

I ran a 4 mile race in the morning (very patriotic), then we hung by the pool. Ended the night watching a great Kid Rock tribute band and fireworks.

Wife and I were head to toe patriotic (footwear photo attached). Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Reds-Yankees anthem standoff

- Bryan in Blountville, TN writes : 

I've been stewing on this so I decided to write in regarding what happened after the National Anthem at the Reds/Yankees game at Yankee Stadium on Thursday.  I have some thoughts.

Maybe I'm way off on this and am just being 'that old guy' but in my opinion, the standoff thing is a complete, utter disgrace.  I feel it is highly disrespectful to the country, anthem and flag as well as those that have defended, and are defending, them and our freedoms.  And they did it on July 4th, Independence Day!  That's a totally different level of stupidity.

As a lifelong baseball fan, in particular the Reds (my first game was at Crosley Field in 1968), I find this behavior terribly embarrassing for the individuals involved, two storied organizations and MLB.  Some say it is all in fun and to them I ask, "Would it be fun to be on the front lines protecting and defending our country so we can do things like go to baseball games?".  I dare say the answer would be a resounding "No". 

If I were the commissioner of baseball or the team owners, I would fine and suspend the players but we all know that won't happen.  Will this be MLB's Kaepernick moment?  I doubt it.  

I sincerely hope this doesn't continue.

And don't get me started on baseball's archaic TV broadcast blackout restrictions or their antitrust exemption.

I didn't see many Bud Lights at parties over the last few days

- Randy writes: 

Found at Midway, KY. Unfortunately, it's a small and I'm an XL so I couldn't justify it to the wife. 


As of three weeks ago, Bud Light distributors were reporting that they were still getting hammered by the boycott. At this point, it's probably time to stop saying it's about the boycott and more about consumers moving on. 

Purple pillow (#notsponsored)

- William R. writes: 

Hey Joe. It's your pal William R in Reisterstown MD writing in with a favor.

You've mentioned the Purple Pillow a few times in your column and I wanted to get your thoughts.

I haven't had a decent pillow since I was a kid.

I have a head the size of a medicine ball that needs a lot of support. Otherwise, the medicine ball crushes the pillow down flat, rendering it useless.

Can I ask which of the Purple Pillows you have?  I'm seeing several different ones on their website (Pillows). They have the Harmony, the DreamLayer, the Anywhere and just the plain Purple.

If I'm going to put down $200 on a pillow, I want to know what I'm getting as I doubt they are returnable.


I have the Harmony with the waffle technology where the air moves through the waffles. I'm thinking the pillow is two years old at this point and shows zero wear. There's no flattening. There's no scrunching. No wave in the middle from bowling ball head placement. The pillow just performs. I put my head into it. I go to sleep and I get a good night of rest. 

Again, so we're all on the same page, I PAID $179 OR WHATEVER THAT PILLOW WAS AT RETAIL. 

Also, I should note that I hate the memory foam pillows. Stiff and worthless to me. The Purple is the perfect blend of thickness, flexibility and the coolness factor. Air flow through that pillow. 

Go test one at a legit store. Tell the sales guy you're going to take a nap. 

Grilling and chilling

- Indy Daryl reports: 

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend! I was able to snag today off as well and spent the morning watching the Tour De France, the afternoon hiking with the fam, napping, sitting on the back deck with the wife while the kids watched Pirates of the Caribbean, and finally grilling. 

I always say wings are a labor of love as they take the longest (put em on frozen) of the regular grilling items. And it takes a bit of effort to balance the tenderness of the meat and the crispness of the skin. 

Can’t really go wrong though, especially with our favorite seasoning!  Thank you for all that you!! Screencaps is a wonderful daily treat and it is because of your dedication and commitment. Keep up the great work!

Finding your healing waters this summer

- Brendan in F'ville sends: 

Hickory Nut Falls and The Stars and Stripes waving atop Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park in North Cackalacky.

Auteurs and cinemaphiles may recognize Hickory Nut Falls as the setting for the final duel scene in the 90s film "Last of the Mohicans". Anyway, the film is a favorite low-key date night night movie for me and the wife (it stirs something fierce in the wife if you're picking up what I'm laying down). So I surprised my wife with a day of hiking and reenacting all of our favorite scenes from the movie.

Beau in Toledo's act of defiance on July 4th

- The wildcat writes: 

...and I beat the rain.

Pound sand, weather potatoes! (lookin' at you, greta)


That's it for the week, which feels like it's been 10 days long. It's rare for me to have many drinks through the week, so it's been one helluva week on my end, but you guys have provided great emails and have given me a look at the 4th around the country. 

Thank you for all that you do and the reports you send. 

Now it's time for me to disappear and go have a weekend. 

Take care. 


Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like : 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.