Getting old

Discover tips, inspiration, and advice on embracing the beauty of getting older. Learn how to age gracefully and live your best life at any age.
Three old men reminiscing in a nursing home... ... complaining about their biggest regrets on getting old. The first old man said, "I'd give anything to take a good piss like I did when I was young.  Every morning I get up it takes me 5 minutes to take a piss, and then it's only a small dribble." The second old man said, "I'd give anything to take a good shit like I did when I was young.  Every morning I sit on the stool and strain and strain until I can finally get something out." The third ... Humour, Old Folks Humor Hilarious, Funny Old Man Birthday Quotes, Medicare Jokes, Jokes About Getting Old, Funny Old People Quotes, Nursing Home Food Ideas, Old People Jokes Hilarious So True, Aging Humor Hilarious

... complaining about their biggest regrets on getting old. The first old man said, “I’d give anything to take a good piss like I did when I was young. Every morning I get up it takes me 5 minutes to take a piss, and then it’s only a small dribble.” The second old man said, “I’d give...

All The Wrinkled Ladies, What To Expect In Your 70s, Get Well Funny, Getting Older Humor, Aging Humor, Everything Popular, Chin Hair, Senior Humor, Green Tea Face

There are a lot of things about getting older that hit you right between the eyes. Like a hammer. Fifty is the turning point. People can say what they want about forty, but it's pretty much an awesome decade. In retrospect, anyway. Why don't older people, those who have been through it all, tell us this? Why aren't we prepared for all the things that begin to happen to our bodies once we hit the big 5-0? Who is to blame for keeping this information a secret? Who are they, who are keeping us…

Geri Fisher
The stud rooster at a poultry farm is getting old, so the farmer buys a new one Humour, Chicken Funny Humor, Funny Cartoons Humor, Farmer Jokes, Rooster Funny, Farm Jokes, Chicken Jokes, Getting Older Humor, Minion Memes

The stud rooster at a poultry farm is getting old, so the farmer buys a new one. Once he’s arrived, the new rooster walks up to the old one and says, “Listen here, Gramps! This whole farm is mine now!” The old rooster says, “C’mon buddy? At least let me stick around with the old hens? We’ll...

Derrick Nyabuto