Gilmore girls reunion

Get ready to relive the magic of Gilmore Girls with an exciting reunion featuring the entire cast. Join us as we reminisce about the beloved show and catch up with your favorite characters.
Humour, Jess Vs Dean, Emily And Richard, Gilmore Girls Movie, Lorelai And Luke, Rory And Lorelai, Gilmore Girls Cast, Cabin On The Lake, Team Jess

The Gilmore Girls Cast Finally Helps Us Settle the Jess vs. Dean vs. Logan Debate

It's been eight long years since we said goodbye to the residents of Stars Hollow, but doesn't it feel like just yesterday we were drinking coffee with Rory and Lorelai at Luke's Diner and sitting down to Friday-night dinner with Emily and Richard? The Gilmore Girls cast feels the same way. Over the weekend, almost the entire cast reunited at the ATX Television Festival in Austin, Texas, to reminisce about their days together. And when we caught up with them all, they revealed where their…
