Serena williams pregnant

Follow Serena Williams' inspiring journey from tennis champion to motherhood. Learn about her experiences, challenges, and triumphs as she navigates the joys of pregnancy and prepares to welcome her little one.
Why Alexis Ohanian is convinced she and pregnant Serena Williams are having a baby girl Check more at Serena Williams Pregnant, Serena Williams Husband, Alexis Ohanian, Wanting A Baby, Girl Dad, Interracial Couples, Expecting Baby, Second Baby, Serena Williams

Why Alexis Ohanian is convinced she and pregnant Serena Williams are having a baby girl Check more at

American Web Mart
Pregnant Serena Williams Says She's 'Trying to Look Cool' in 'Hot Weather' with Her Daughter Serena Williams Pregnant, Alexis Ohanian, Black Arts, Pregnant Belly, Serena Williams, Body Building, Body Building Women, Second Child, Cute Poses

Serena Williams joked that she's "trying to look cool" while "on set in hot weather" in photos with her daughter that she shared on Instagram Friday. The tennis pro is currently expecting her second child with husband Alexis Ohanian.

Quentin Lewis