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January/February 2024

Cover Artist: Carlo Cadenas

Each of us comes from somewhere with blossoms.

Victoria Chang
  • Tian-Ai
  • Edwina Attlee
  • Humberto Ak’abal
  • Ahmad Almallah
  • Eileen G’Sell
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Ruth Awad
      Days of rain. The drey outside my window would keel
      and the wind would plunder. My heart was valent
      with possibility: I could be anyone now, half woman,
      half asterism. Fragmental as a new year. Patron saint
      of the rutilant and cindering. I could...

    • poem
      By D. A. Powell
      Said my illness
      I’m tired of being
      serious all the
      time I don’t
      like how you
      treat me like
      we haven’t shared
      the same apartments
      for eighteen years
      long enough to be…

    • poem
      By Pamilerin Jacob
      Neither milkweed
      nor rose-apple
      in Schenck’s Anguish,

                only a murder
                of crows sprouting
                at the perimeter

      of a mother’s
      suffering. Nature is…

Table of Contents
