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New Evidence Shows that Two-Thirds of Sex Change Patients Regret Their Decisions

New Evidence Shows that Two-Thirds of Sex Change Patients Regret Their Decisions

New Evidence Shows that Two-Thirds of Sex Change Patients Regret Their Decisions “Transition affirmation is not proven to be safe or effective long term. It does not reduce suicides. It does not repair...
The Rise of the Anti-Woke Shareholder Is Rattling Corporate Boards

The Rise of the Anti-Woke Shareholder Is Rattling Corporate Boards

The Rise of the Anti-Woke Shareholder Is Rattling Corporate Boards The liberal business establishment has long supported progressive causes, even to the detriment of their bottom lines. Conservative consumers...
Ten Reasons Why the 10 Commandments Matter—We Need Them Now More Than Ever

Ten Reasons Why the 10 Commandments Matter—We Need Them Now More Than Ever

Ten Reasons Why the 10 Commandments Matter—We Need Them Now More Than Ever There is a growing debate over the posting of the Ten Commandments in public classrooms and buildings. Many Americans feel this...
The Hidden Consequences of Work From Home

The Hidden Consequences of Work From Home

The Hidden Consequences of Work From Home Talk to people seeking new jobs, and invariably, they will say their ideal is working from home. It is not a new idea. For example, remote field personnel working...
Recruiting for Hamas: How Portland’s Schools Work to Transform America’s Children Into Radical Palestinian Revolutionaries

Recruiting for Hamas: How Portland’s Schools Work to Transform America’s Children Into Radical Palestinian Revolutionaries

Recruiting for Hamas: How Portland’s Schools Work to Transform America’s Children Into Radical Palestinian Revolutionaries “The Palestinian Flag has one red triangle, one white stripe, one green stripe,...
A Top Climatologist Says Hurricanes Are Not A Warning Sign for Global Climate Change

A Top Climatologist Says Hurricanes Are Not A Warning Sign for Global Climate Change

A Top Climatologist Says Hurricanes Are Not A Warning Sign for Global Climate Change One of the leftists’ favorite tactics is to refer to climate change as “settled science.” What, an observer might ask,...
Are Pilgrimages in America Becoming Mainstream?

Are Pilgrimages in America Becoming Mainstream?

Are Pilgrimages in America Becoming Mainstream? In a world full of agitation, instant gratification and constant novelty, a growing number of Americans are seeking something more. Many people are finding...
Finding a Job in an AI-Driven World Just Got Worse—A Personal Touch Helps Make It Better

Finding a Job in an AI-Driven World Just Got Worse—A Personal Touch Helps Make It Better

Finding a Job in an AI-Driven World Just Got Worse—A Personal Touch Helps Make It Better In the quest for employment, the digital job market is the great leveler. Automated resume submissions flood into...
Age of Revolutions: An Exercise in Reading History Backward

Age of Revolutions: An Exercise in Reading History Backward

Age of Revolutions: An Exercise in Reading History Photo Credit: © Samoel Safaie , ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL Some books can give the impression that everything is backward. The author holds as true...
The Mozart Effect: How Classical Music May be the Best Balm for Brain, Body and Soul

The Mozart Effect: How Classical Music May be the Best Balm for Brain, Body and Soul

The Mozart Effect: How Classical Music May be the Best Balm for Brain, Body and Soul “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” This quotation is attributed...


  1. NOAA divides hurricanes into five categories. Category 1 has wind speeds of 74-95 mph, category 2—96-110 mph, category 3—111-130 mph, category 4—131-155 mph and category 5 has wind speeds exceeding 156 mph.
  2. Hurricane Sandy was a category 3 storm when it hit Cuba, but it had lost much of its strength before it became the only modern hurricane that made landfall in New Jersey.