Blehar-Affidavit 12.20.2020 1349EST

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Declaration of Raymond M. Blehar
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C Section 1746, I, Raymond M. Blehar, make the following declaration.
I am over the age of 21 years and I am under no legal disability, which would prevent me from giving this declaration.
I am a resident of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
I earned a Masters of Business Administration degree (with honors) from Penn State University in 2008 and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1983. I retired from the federal government in 2017 after serving 32 years in the Defense/Intelligence Community. While employed by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and predecessor agencies (1985 to 2017), I served in a variety of management and staff positions including (but not limited to) assistant inspector general, performance analyst, primary staff officer for intelligence program reviews, head of financial management control, financial audit liaison to the Department of Defense (DOD), and assistant deputy director for quality. My experiences at NGA included various statistical analysis and modeling activities, administration and analysis of organizational surveys, and monitoring and analyzing agency performance to include financial analysis, audit, and oversight. From 2010 to 2013, I served a rotational assignment as a senior analyst to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Systems, Resources, and  Analysis Directorate. While at ODNI, I conducted various analyses regarding multiple systems software and hardware acquisitions in excess of $10 billion (aggregate). In addition, I provided financial analyses and recommendations regarding investments in commercial partnerships. During my career I received commendations from NGA (and predecessors), ODNI, CIA, and the Department of Defense for my analytic contributions.
In addition to my work activities, I volunteered as an Awards Examiner for the U.S. Senate Productivity Awards and Maryland Quality Awards program (1997-2001). In that role, I evaluated the management practices of public agencies, private sector companies, and educational systems and provided recommendation s for improvement. More recently (2012-2018), I provided
 pro bono 
 investigative/analytic support to defense teams in the criminal cases of former Penn State President Graham Spanier (
Commonwealth v. Spanier 
) and former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (
Commonwealth v. Kane 
) as well as to Spanier as the plaintiff in his civil case against former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director, Louis Freeh (
Spanier v. Freeh 
). Notably, my investigations/analyses revealed that the key evidence used in the prosecutions/convictions was of dubious provenance and was subjected to tampering.
My analysis of the data relating to
s 2020 general election concludes that there were numerous anomalies and/or inconsistencies in the results and that an estimated 280,000
 300,000 Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, and Green Party electors (voters) were disenfranchised because their votes were manipulated (i.e., changed) by the election system software, election administrators, and/or by introduction of other disruptive software (i.e., malware) or a combination of the three.
Like many people in the United States of America (U.S.) and across the world, I watched the lead up to the 2020 U.S. election with great interest. During that time, I learned that many U.S. states extended the deadlines for returning ballots. As such, on November 3, 2020, I did not expect the election would be finalized and believed that it could take into the following week to decide the
winner. On November 4, 2020, I checked the results for the key battleground state of Pennsylvania at approximately 11:00 AM EST and learned that President Trump held an approximate lead of 522,000 votes
 with less than 1.4 million votes left to count. I quickly did the back of the envelope math and determined that Biden would need to win over 70% of the remaining vote to overtake Trump.
Figure 1: Trump winning by 10% at 10:35 AM with over 1 million votes to count
Given that the vote count on Wednesday until the end of the count would consist of mail-in votes, I checked the Pennsylvania Secretary of State web-site for the statistics on mail-in ballots returned by political party. The figures showed the proportions of returned ballots were approximately 64.8% Democrat, 23.7% Republican, 10.7% No Party Affiliation, and .08% Minor Party. As such, it was highly unlikely that Biden could win even if he got 90% of the remaining Democrat votes, a 10% cut of GOP votes, and a 60% share of No Party Affiliation (i.e., independent) voter. Under that very generous scenario,
 Trump would have won Pennsylvania by nearly 43K votes. My projection follows at Figure 2.
 I made a cryptic note of the vote count at 11:00AM and it stood Trump 3027K to Biden 2505K.
 Exit polling had Biden at 52% of Independents I increased the percentage to 60% for the analysis.

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