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Indian Baby Names

We offer a full list of Indian baby names with names that you may be familiar with, as well as other more exotic or traditional Indian names. Find the perfect Indian name for your boy or girl.

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Name Meaning Origin
Abhaya Has no fear. Indian Baby Names
Abhimanyu Person killed by Lakshmana. Indian Baby Names
Abhirati Mother of five hundred children; A mother goddess. Indian Baby Names
Acharya Spiritual teacher. Indian Baby Names
Achir New. Indian Baby Names
Adharma Lawless. Indian Baby Names
Adi Indian Baby Names
Aditi Free. Hindi Baby Names, Indian Baby Names
Aditya Sun. Hindi Baby Names, Indian Baby Names, American Baby Names
Adya Born on Sunday. Indian Baby Names
Agastya Name of a wise man. Hindi Baby Names, Indian Baby Names
Agneya Son of Agni. Indian Baby Names
Agnimukha Face of fire. Indian Baby Names
Ahalya Night. Indian Baby Names
Ahisma Gentle. Hindi Baby Names, Indian Baby Names
Ahjaja Born of a lotus. Indian Baby Names
Ahriman Evil spirit. Indian Baby Names
Airavata Child of water. Indian Baby Names
Aja Goat. Indian Baby Names
Akshobhya One of the Dhyani Buddhas. Indian Baby Names

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