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A Look Inside 6 of Oprah Winfrey’s Homes — Yes, 6

Oprah needs no introduction. We’re all familiar with Queen O, but let’s play a little Oprah Winfrey by the numbers:

  • The media mogul is worth $3.1 billion.
  • She has donated $100,000 to the Time’s Up fund.
  • She has donated $1 million to the N Street Village nonprofit, dedicated to helping transform the lives of homeless and other low-income women.
  • She has donated $13 million to the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. (and serves as a member of the museum council).
  • She has spent over $140 million over the past 10 years to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, a school for underprivileged girls from eighth to 12th grade, also helping with the students’ living expenses, braces, uniforms and more.
  • And she’s spent over $100 million on the seven estates she currently owns.

Yes, you read that right: Winfrey owns seven homes (that we know of — possibly more), but are you really that surprised? For someone worth billions of dollars, you’d better believe she has several multimillion-dollar homes scattered across the country.

The number would have been nine had she not have sold her 9,625-square-foot Windy City home, the one she owned from 1985 to 2015, for a whopping $4.625 million or her 4,806-square-foot penthouse in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2008 for $1.8 million.

But let’s talk more about the houses Oprah Winfrey does own — that’s what we really care about here. We’ll start with the home she and partner Stedman spend the most time in: her 23,000-square-foot Montecito, California mansion…

A version of this post was originally published July 2018. 

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