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Body Melt

Body Melt

Directed by Phillip Brophy

It's a sunny day in suburbia. Suddenly, a hideously deformed dying man disrupts the peace, crashing his car in the neighborhood of Pebbles Court, the better part of Homesville. He's the victim of the experimental drug Vimuville, marketed as a "dietary supplement", which has apparently malfunctioned. He arrives too late to warn the population of Homesville against trying the pill that was dropped in their mailbox by a respectable pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately, the folks of Homesville are suckers for freebies and they too start deforming, mutating and exploding.

The residents of Homesville start deforming, mutating and exploding thanks to an experimental "dietary supplement."

Cast: Gerard Kennedy, Andrew Daddo

Member Reviews

Totally bonkers man. So bad that it’s actually fun!

13 hours ago

Some people don’t get this film. You’re not supposed to “get it”! It’s Aussie crazy, funny, looney horror. And only the Aussies can make this style of film. Don’t try to understand it. Just enjoy the ride!

1 day ago


3 days ago

This movie could almost be divided into vignettes with a main overarching story that draws them all together. I'm a huge fan of body horror, and this doesn't disappoint with plenty of gooey, gory, mutating goodness. It was never going to win awards, but I think it deserves to be a cult classic. It's definitely one I've seen a few times and will probably watch again.

4 days ago

I think I need to watch it again to get a better understanding. But love the effects!

4 days ago