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Girl on the Third Floor

Girl on the Third Floor

Directed by Travis Stevens

Don Koch (Phil "CM Punk" Brooks) tries to renovate a rundown house with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.

Don tries to renovate a rundown house with a sordid history.

Cast: Phil "CM Punk" Brooks, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sarah Brooks, Elissa Dowling, Karen Woditsch, Travis Delgado, Marshall Bean, Anish Jethmalani

Member Reviews

solid little horror film!

3 days ago

Gets better as it gets more surreal. Picks up toward the end. Not a must-see but worth watching on a slow night if you can get past the first half. Some kinky sex in there!

4 days ago

Wow cm punk did a good job acting in this one. Good movie!

6 days ago

God this felt so much longer than it was.

1 week ago

Eh. There was potential, but the execution didn't stick. I've seen worse, but it's not something I'd watch again. A bit of a waste of time.

1 week ago