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Night of the Bastard

Night of the Bastard

Directed by Erik Boccio

A gruff recluse and an injured woman must fend off a gang of bloodthirsty demonist as they lay siege to his secluded desert home.

A gang lays siege to a hermit's secluded desert home.

Cast: London May, Mya Hudson, Hannah Pierce, Henry Mortensen, Victoria Goodhart, Wesley Doloris, Eric Spudic, George Garcia

Member Reviews

Movies like this are cool. There are a lot of things that are not great about this movie but iall the parts come together to make something that's fun to watch. I'd definitely watch again.

8 hours ago

Any movie where campers are attacked by a group of incestuous goat-headed-demon worshiping cultists gets 5/5 from me!

6 days ago

Very clearly a student project. It's a little formulaic with a couple wooden performances. But i love that it's sincere and the characters are committed. Some of the attempted punchlines fall flat, but it's still worth a watch. It has heart.

2 weeks ago

It has its charms. I loved the introduction to our hero

2 weeks ago


2 weeks ago