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New from Skimlinks: Enhanced Reporting in time for the Holiday Season

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We are excited to announce that we have enhanced the Skimlinks Publisher Hub to ensure that you maximize all revenue opportunities...

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Get Q4-Ready: See What Worked Well Last Year

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

Now that you have installed the tech to help you optimize your commerce content before the busy shopping period begins, it’s time...

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What’s New At Skimlinks? Recap Of Three New Product Releases

Posted 3 years ago by Monika Lescevska

Although it’s been summer in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve been busy releasing new products and features to help Publishers grow...

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Merchant Programs, in Google Search Results, with Skimlinks

Posted 3 years ago by Alannah Trew

We’ve made a big change to the Skimlinks Editor Toolbar and we are excited to let you know about it. Publishers can now see if...

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News Corp Australia: Building an Audience First Commerce Content Strategy

Posted 3 years ago by Alannah Trew

In the second of our five part series, Jade McDade, Head of E-Commerce - Audience and Partners at News Corp Australia, talks to us...

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News Corp Australia: How they made the decision to invest in Commerce Content

Posted 3 years ago by Alannah Trew

News Corp Australia is the biggest media company in Australia, with over 17 million Australians consuming news and information through...

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See which Products are Trending this Holiday Season

Posted 4 years ago by Alannah Trew

With the ecommerce boom of 2020, it’s never been more important to know what products consumers engage with the most, and drive the...

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Skimlinks continues to help Publishers protect and grow their revenue

Posted 4 years ago by Alannah Trew

We launched the Revenue at Risk report a few weeks ago to notify Publishers of changes to Merchant programs. We’ve had great feedback...

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Skimlinks’ Pioneering AMP Extension Helps Maximize Commerce Content Revenues

Posted 5 years ago by Alannah Trew

It’s tough to be a publisher in 2019. With advertising revenues falling, anything that can effectively and consistently monetize...

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How do I know if I’m good at programming?

Posted 7 years ago by Skimlinks

Daniel Slater is our Audience Team Lead and in this guest post, originally published on his own blog, he talks about how to know if...

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