How I Use Human Design to Find Joy

In this installment of Practical Magic, Lisa Stardust explores Human Design. Always remember that magic is for believers, but this column can also simply serve as a guide to getting in touch with yourself — magically or not.
High angle view of a young woman meditating in a ray of light on the floor of her living room

If you're into astrology, you might have also stumbled across the idea of Human Design, another trending topic for those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves. While many of us are at least somewhat versed in the language of astrology, Human Design requires learning a largely different kind of speak, which can feel intimidating.

So let's start from the top: What is Human Design, exactly? It is a system that uses the time, date, and birth location similar to astrology, but it goes beyond mapping out the planets in your birth chart. Instead, Human Design focuses on the chakras in your body and what they mean for ourselves and our future. A BodyGraph replaces a birth chart, and Energy and Strategy types along with Authority types replace signs. Since it's a combination of beliefs ranging from astrology to I’Ching to Myers-Briggs to Kabbalah, some use Human Design to help them align their unique energy and get direction on how to use it to their benefit.

In Human Design, Strategy and Authority types play a crucial role in guiding our decision-making process. Strategy refers to the specific approach that each personality type should adopt to connect with their intuition, feelings, and wisdom. On the other hand, Authority is the inner guidance that helps us make decisions that align with our true nature and desires. This unique guidance is determined by our chosen design. By combining Strategy and Authority, Human Design asserts that we can make authentic choices that are true to ourselves and navigate through life with ease.

Bronx, of Bronxology, broke down the different Strategy types for Teen Vogue:

The Manifestor must pave their own road because they're innovators. They are at peace when creating and living life by their own rules. The Manifestor can get so lost in their visions that they must be assertive and direct with others because they avoid confrontation.

The Generator needs passion to thrive. However, pleasing people can cause issues which can lead to being stuck in relationships or situations that aren't working. They need to live their true lives by taking on things that bring them joy and learning when to set limits.

The Manifestor Generator is a multitasker in all aspects of life. They tend to overwork and when they have nothing to do, they feel frustrated. As long as they're in alignment with the project at hand, they'll be happy. Boredom is their worst enemy.

Projectors need someone to push them in the right direction. A helping hand can help them grow. They may not take on a lot, but they like to do quality projects and will wait for the right partner. Taking time and being selective is key for Projectors.

Reflectors are the rarest energy type. Their impulsiveness can lead to issues, so it's important for them to think before taking action. They mirror the behavior of ideas of others, which is why finding individuality is important to them.

As a Manifestor Generator, I have a lot of energy and interest in things, and I need to take care of my sacral and throat chakras. I love communicating and discussing my interests, and I'm always eager to learn more and explore new ideas. I think this description fits me quite well since I'm a natural-born communicator and an open-minded person who enjoys exploring different philosophies.

Now, let's get onto our Authority. Bronx explains that this is how we make decisions and know what's best for us.

Emotional Authority bases choices on how we feel in the moment.

Sacral Authority pushes us to take action based on how pleasurable or exciting it seems.

Splenic Authority are decisions guided by intuition.

Ego Authority is what our heart selfishly wants to attain.

G Center or Self-Projected Authority talks matters out in order to gain understanding.

Mental Authority observes and analyzes situations.

No Inner Authority takes time to understand problems, people, and themselves.

I believe that my Sacral Authority is real and vital to my well-being because I tend to connect with things and people who spark joy in my life. Figuring out where you fall could help you connect with various parts of yourself. Like astrology, Human Design is another tool that can offer a deeper level of clarity to understanding who we are how we relate to the world.