Taylor Swift Stars in Capital One Commercial as a Waitress

And the clip is full of easter eggs.
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When it comes to details, nothing is ever a coincidence for Taylor Swift.

The “Archer” singer is known for sending her fans on wild goose chases looking for clues in nearly everything she does, so it comes as no surprise that a commercial featuring the pop star would be jam-packed with easter eggs.

As noted by Billboard, Taylor stars in Capital One’s brand-new commercial for their Savor Card. In the 30-second spot, we see the singer-songwriter portraying a diner waitress and a bartender, and not quite succeeding at either TBH. (She spills drinks and drops whipped cream, I can honestly relate.)

Fans were quick to notice several tiny details in the commercial that are clearly nods to Taylor’s personality and music. Close-up shots on receipts reveal totals amounting to $19.89 (AKA the year Taylor was born and the title of her fifth studio album). There’s also a $13.13 charge (her favorite number), the word “Lover,” and a drawing of a cat.

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Beyond the obvious themes, some fans are speculating that the “burgers and fries” could be a nod to Katy Perry’s cameo in Taylor’s “You Need to Calm Down” video, with others going one step further to wonder if a Katy and Taylor collab might be in the works. One Swiftie posited that “Sandy Jay's” (the name of the diner) might be a clue about Taylor’s upcoming music, while another pointed out that the number “4” was spotted throughout the commercial. Lover track 4, anyone? Hmmmm.

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We’ll have to wait and see if any of these ~theories~ come to fruition, but luckily, we don’t have much longer to go. Taylor’s forthcoming album Lover comes out on August 23, and like any good Swiftie, I’m counting the days. OK, hours.

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