Weekly Horoscope: July 7 - July 13

See what the stars have in store for you.
Gemini illustration two women looking at eachother
Jennifer Dahbura

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The outside weather is just as hot as this weekly horoscope. The next seven days are fierce! With Venus — the planet of love, money, social graces, and luxury — entering passionate and steamy Leo on July 11, we’ll all be wanting to go BIG when it comes to declarations of the heart, spending, and emotions. This isn't the week to hold back, rather a time to scream our sentiments from the mountaintop. Be aware of your motives and don't make false promises for the sake of attention. Be true to yourself and others. Speak your peace and do what you love.

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

Being the sensitive crab that you are, at times you can be self-disparaging and lack faith in yourself due to the vibes surrounding you. It is time to glow up this week and own your fabulousness. If people choose to project their insecurities and fears onto you, then that is their issue and you don't need to take it on. Currently, you're beginning to see that you don't want to be the victim of the moods of others. Break free of these energies and enhance your life with the positivity that you have by focusing on your amazing and lovable qualities.

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

The most valuable words of wisdom are “don’t cry over spilled milk.” Yes, you’ve made mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you should be reminded of them everyday. If a relationship is on its last leg, allow the mutual ghost to happen without being a brat about it. Save your roars for moments that you’re fully and completely invested in. Let these acquaintances and friendships that do not fit in with your life dissolve. You never know what will bloom in their place and what you’ll drag into your lion’s den as a result of the extra space in your heart.

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

You're a busy bee these days. The more you take on at your internship in an effort to be a team player, the less you’re able to enjoy the summer and spend time with your friends. With the excess amount of stress building , you’re contemplating walking away from your responsibilities and hiding under a rock to avoid the frustrations you’re experiencing. Whether you choose to fight or flee, the bottom line is that you need to slow down and be in the moment. Treat yourself to a mani-pedi or facial to find your chill center.

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

Although you wish to bed rot all week long, your schedule is on fire with appointments and social happenings. Don’t let FOMO keep you away from doing what you desire, which is hanging out with close pals and family at home. Embrace JOMO when you can. If you explain your circumstances and other plans in a timely way, your friends will understand why you're opting to sit this one out. You’ll be at another party, but this week is all about putting your desires above everyone else’s — so just do it without feeling guilty.

Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

A blast from the past is coming back to you. That’s right, the one who got away is trying to make their way back into your good graces. But, their timing might be off. Before you tell them “goodbye” again, consider maintaining a friendship with your ex. You both care and want to be in each other’s lives, so you should keep the vibe light and casual as you progress into the future. You don’t have to be BFFs or extremely close. Being in the same friend group means that you have to be on decent terms. Tread with care.

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Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

In an effort to protect your heart, you are attempting to control your relationships. Whether it be platonic or romantic, you’re wanting to take charge and tell others how to act. It is understandable to have expectations in partnerships, but that doesn’t mean you should lay down the law so strictly. If you tell people what to do, they’ll run away. Don’t give ultimatums in an attempt to assert your power — this can push people in the opposite direction. Boundaries are better and healthier ways to let your feelings be known.

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

There are a lot of harsh realizations you're learning about money this week. So far, you haven't been saving the cash you made from your summertime gig. Now, you're noticing that your bank account is running empty and you need to hustle more to get it up to the place it should be before going back to school (after all, books, supplies, and new dorm decor are expensive). Rather than going out with your besties for decadent dinners and designer lattes, cut back on the spending in order to save for the upcoming semester by saving half of your paycheck.

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

Stop focusing on optics and listen to your heart. Even though a few peeps in your squad aren't thrilled that you've forged a relationship with someone they’re not keen on, you shouldn't resist getting to know them based on their reputation. Your peer group isn’t a members only club. If some of your friends don't like it, then they’ll have to bury the hatchet, be nice, or let the beef go. If not, they’ll have to learn how to deal. No one should dictate who you are pals with. Don't let their issues hold you back from exploring a new connection.

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

Oftentimes you look back and want to augment the past in order to realize the fairy tale you've imagined for yourself. Although it’s beautiful and romantic to believe in the dream, it isn't reality. Remember, if you change the past, you won't have the same present. Meaning, the events that led you to this point might have veered you in a different direction by taking another path. Appreciate what you’ve recently achieved and how far you have come. You're headed down the correct road — believe in yourself and trust the process. You are living happily-ever-after. You got this, Pisces!

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

Contrary to popular belief, you only act out when people instigate drama. And, when that happens, you take matters to the extreme. Before you fight back, it’s wise to take the less aggressive approach. Cut off those who are adding unnecessary noise to your life and being extra messy. You don't have to put a pin in the friendship forever, but it's best to hit pause when it comes to friendships that aren't bringing positive vibes into your life. The same applies for how you treat people, so keep your ‘tude throughout the week in check as well.

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

When you don’t get the news you want to hear, you tend to deflect and avoid accountability. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get away with the same tactics this week since the stars are urging you to be more responsible and to take ownership of matters. Then, you’ll be able to comprehend your role in the situation and make moves towards evolving to ensure you do not make the same mistakes in the future. Be more flexible and less stubborn to see beyond yourself and understand the feelings of those you care about. That’s what we call growth, bb.

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

You are longing to find your Bridgerton romance, but it's hard to find someone who challenges you in all the “right” ways. Your inquisitive and cerebral mind needs a partner who’ll keep you on your toes and help you evolve. Keep your options open before jumping into a situationship and get to know your potential S.O. before committing. You may find that you’re crushing on someone who is a jewel in the rough, so don't judge them. Love is on the way!

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