July 2015 Issue

On the Cover

The Secret History of Texas Music

This state has been shaped by its songs. And as these 25 tales show, the stories behind them are often as great as the songs themselves.



Behind the Curtain

For years, Kyle Lagow told his bosses at Countrywide Financial that the company was wreaking havoc on the housing market. But no one listened—until the entire economy came crashing down.


The Class of 2015

Illustrations by Nicki Longoria. Click to enlarge.Elsewhere in this month’s issue, our political team considers which state legislators have earned our respect and which ones remind us why the stately granite building at Twelfth Street and Congress Avenue has long been the butt of

“Odor! Odor in the Court!”

District judge Carter Tinsley Schildknecht, of Dawson County, was reprimanded by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for, among other offenses, holding a fifteen-hour court session that ran until four in the morning, during which she allowed no formal meal or bathroom breaks. 



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