American Catholics Reject BBC Pseudo-Documentary

American Catholics Reject BBC Pseudo-Documentary 2

The American press announced reports about The Virgin Mary, a British Broadcasting Company (BBC) “documentary” insulting the virginity of Our Lady shortly before Christmas. The pseudo-documentary explored three alternatives to the Incarnation of the Word, the perpetual virginity of Mary Most Holy, and the virgin birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. “The … Read more

Weathering the Storm Spreading Reason in Face of Hype

Weathering the Storm Spreading Reason in Face of Hype 3

In face of the media hype and truly scandalous behavior surrounding the current Church scandals, many faithful feel they have been thrown alone into rough seas. They desperately search for a voice of reason to lead them to calmer waters. Hoping to provide such a voice, the Rochester, N.Y. chapter of Call … Read more

Two Different Worlds at Two Mommies Protest

Two Different Worlds at Two Mommies Protest 1

Separated by a long police barrier, two groups representing two different worlds assembled at Davis Square on the frigid afternoon of Saturday, December 7, in Somerville, Mass. What was about to take place? The Somerville Theater was about to present a lesbian version of the Christmas story. We had come to peacefully … Read more

Flop in America: Father Amaro Meets Protest and Prayer

Flop in America: Father Amaro Meets Protest and Prayer 3

The highly-offensive movie The Crime of Father Amaro was supposedly a success in Mexico but it seems to be falling flat in America. Everywhere it goes it is meeting with protests, prayer and…cancellations. The Crime of Father Amaro portrays a priest who has relations with a 16 year-old girl under a robe … Read more

Weathering the Storm: Book Responds to Scandals

""""[vc_column_text] With the Catholic Church mired in sexual-abuse scandals, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is now releasing a book that shows Catholics how they can react to the climate of intense emotion and confusion that warps the debate and hinders a true solution to the … Read more

Good Manners and Social Graces

Good Manners and Social Graces 4

In an attempt to help stem the tide of ugliness, vulgarity, and downright rudeness which floods our post-modern society, our Louisiana chapter sponsored two-day events for mothers and daughters titled Good Manners and Social Graces. From November 17 – 23, this mini-seminar, which was organized in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Alexandria, emphasized … Read more

Viva Cristo Rey on Hollywood Boulevard

Viva Cristo Rey on Hollywood Boulevard 3

On November 14, Hollywood Boulevard was home to an out-of-character event when 125 Catholics assembled at Galaxy Theaters for a rally of peaceful protest and reparation hosted by the American TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign. The protesters assembled to voice their opposition to the American debut of the blasphemous film, The Crime … Read more

Speaking of Splendors Past

Speaking of Splendors Past 2

A political electoral change is limited without a corresponding cultural change. These were the sentiments of TFP speaker Mario Navarro da Costa in talks given during a November 8-10 Kansas tour. Mr. da Costa was the luncheon speaker at the Seventh Annual Foundation of Education Symposium at Topeka’s Washburn University on November … Read more

Tell your Senator to Vote Against CEDAW

The United States is rightly gaining a reputation as the greatest obstacle to radically leftist United Nations’ initiatives. From the Kyoto protocol to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CFR), American resistance is an enormous hindrance to these measures and reduces their credibility. In this way, the United States … Read more