Gnosticism, Anti-Catholicism and the Da Vinci Code

Gnosticism, Anti-Catholicism and the Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code did not break new ground, but continued in a long line of scurrilous books that attack Catholic belief. Like most symbolic literature, it was written on two levels. The writer had the ability to construct a tight, fast-paced narrative about a man and a woman fleeing from dangerous … Read more

Petition Against ‘Da Vinci Code’ Quickly Tops 100,000

Hanover, PA, May 13, 2006 – The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are inviting concerned Catholics to join a petition against The Da Vinci Code. So far, the effort has garnered 100,946 signatures and steadily continues to gain steam. “A … Read more

TFP Publishes Full-page Ad in USA Today

To invite people to the more than 1,000 theater protests against The Da Vinci Code movie, the American TFP has published a full-page ad in America’s most-widely-read newspaper, USA Today. The ad, which will be printed in 2.2 million copies of the newspaper throughout this week, contains a beautiful image of Christ … Read more

Da Vinci Code Campaign Blog

""""[vc_message message_box_color=”warning” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-angle-right”] May 31, 2006 The Passion of the Christ Trumps Da Vinci Code, Despite Pronounced Media Bias Media Research Center has prepared a study exposing media efforts to promote The Da Vinci Code and bury Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. (see: Despite their attempts, the numbers … Read more

The Da Vinci Code Protest: Rochester Leads the Way

Catholics in Rochester did not want to wait until the May 19 opening to protest The DaVinci Code movie. The local theater was already advertising the film and so they decided to lead the way by becoming the first of the over 1,000 planned theater protests. Nearly 50 Catholics, young and old, … Read more

Meet the Real Dan Brown

Meet the Real Dan Brown 2

I was recently browsing Dan Brown’s web site to gather information in preparation for the one thousand theater protests against The Da Vinci Code movie, planned by the American TFP. Since I hope to organize several protests, I felt obliged to get to know the real Dan Brown. I wanted to hear, … Read more

Vatican Prelate Urges Organized Da Vinci Code Protests

Vatican Prelate Urges Organized Da Vinci Code Protests On April 28, Archbishop Angelo Amato, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, criticized The Da Vinci Code book and film, and urged Catholics to organize protests worldwide, while speaking at a Catholic conference in Rome. According to the news agency Ansa, … Read more

The Da Vinci Code Protest Hits the Philippines

The Da Vinci Code Protest Hits the Philippines

Dr. Jose Maria Alcasid, President of the Philippine Crusade for the Defense of Christian Civilization, has launched an effort to protest the upcoming Da Vinci Code film in the Philippines. The effort consists in sending a letter to each of the Filipino Bishops, urging them to condemn the film and encourage the … Read more

Why Does Sony Fear Free Publicity?

“Don’t protest, you’re just giving them free publicity!” That is the advice that the anti-blasphemy protester must often endure when organizing protests in front of theaters. The conventional wisdom is that controversy generates interest. And interest will in turn only fuel ticket sales. The best thing a Catholic can do in face … Read more

Dispelling The Da Vinci Code Confusion at George Washington University

It was raining. But it didn’t matter. It wasn’t going to stop members of TFP Student Action who hit the streets of George Washington University in the nation’s capital to collect petitions and hand out flyers against the upcoming movie The Da Vinci Code. In no time, 2,500 flyers were gone. “Our … Read more