the705 president: The difference between young professionals, young leaders

Patrick LaBauve
YP Spotlight

To anyone who is not familiar with the phrases “young professional” and “young leader,” they might sound similar. However, to people who embody these characteristics, these terms can have incredibly different meanings.

Let’s start with “young professionals” (this is the YP Pulse column, after all).

When you hear that term, I wouldn’t be surprised if you think of a white-collar individual in their late 20s to early 30s. They probably graduated college or have some secondary training. They might be dressed in a suit, or well-put-together outfit. Maybe they drive a nice car, own a nice starter home, have the latest smartphone (that for some reason, won’t stop going off).

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Now think about a “young leader.” What do you see? Maybe the same age range. But what about the occupation? What about their education? What about the way they dress? Are they harder to picture? Does it matter?

Here’s what I think. I think a young professional can be a young leader. But a young leader doesn’t necessarily need to be a young professional.

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For instance, a young leader might be a youth pastor at a church, or lead a Bible study. A young leader might be a member of their child’s PTA, and organize extracurricular events. A young leader might be a big at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana. A young leader might be the lowest rung on their company’s totem pole, but organizes a successful philanthropic event at work every year. A young leader might buy groceries for their elderly neighbor. A young leader might be a single mother who reads to her children every night, and raises them to be loving, respectful human beings.

White collar, blue collar, no collar, being a young leader isn’t tied to a profession.

CEO, VP, executive director, being a young leader isn’t tied to a job title.

Associates, bachelor’s, master’s, being a young leader isn’t tied to an education.

Being a young leader is greater than all that. It’s a desire to make things better, not just for yourself, but for those around you, as well.

Being a young leader is about stepping up, and taking on the big and bold. Being a young leader is about speaking out when it might not be prudent. Being a young leader is about taking the first step, without a clear view of the destination.

With that said, I’m proud to not only be a young professional, but also a young leader. And I’m proud to be part of the705, an organization that not only fosters young professionals, but also emboldens young leaders to connect, engage, and lead. And I’m proud members of this organization, when they were founded 10 years ago, decided to be “young leaders for a better Acadiana” (and not “young professionals for a better Acadiana”).

In 2018, one of my goals for my 705 presidential year, is to make a conscious, intentional effort to provide a opportunities for young leaders (and young professionals, alike) to get involved, and make a better Acadiana.

If you’re interested in joining the705, you can visit, to get started today.

Patrick LaBauve is a 7-year member of the705, and will serve as president in 2018. He is employed as a marketing strategist at the Daily Advertiser. He has earned his bachelor’s in marketing and his MBA, both from UL. He is also a graduate of Leadership Lafayette class XXX, and was honored as one of 2015’s top 20 Under 40 in Acadiana. He was born and raised in New Iberia, and currently lives in Lafayette with his wife and daughter.