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CONFIRMED: Vandal behind racist graffiti at Salisbury University … is black

Salisbury University experienced massive racial unrest after a series of racist graffiti was discovered on campus over the course of the 2019-20 school year.

The public, Maryland-based university canceled classes for a “day of healing” and hired a new associate vice president for diversity and inclusion at a cost of $140,000 annually.

Authorities have had a suspect since February but refused comment to The College Fix on details. Turns out, the vandal is black.

The man who is scheduled to plead guilty to the vandalism has been charged under a hate-crime statute. His motives for the defacement remain unclear at this time.

Jerome Kevin Jackson, 54, is set to plead guilty June 12 to maliciously defacing school property “while exhibiting racial animosity,” according to a news release from the Office of the State’s Attorney for Wicomico County published Monday.

The release states Jackson is responsible for four incidents of “racist and sometimes gender discriminatory graffiti” on campus during the fall semester as well as another incident in February 2020 in which the words “it’s hang a [n-word] month” were scrawled on a wall with black marker.

Four law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, had participated in the investigation.

Nearly four years ago the school was thrown into turmoil following a racist drawing found in the school’s library. It was later revealed that the students who drew that racist imagery were black. No criminal charges were filed in that matter.

MORE: Black students behind racist drawing at Salisbury University library

MORE: Here are 50 campus hate-crime hoaxes The College Fix has covered since 2012

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.