Jack Posobiec: ‘We Witnessed a Democrat Coup Against Biden’ (VIDEO)

Senior Editor at Human Events Jack Posobiec believes the mainstream media’s response last night was an orchestrated “coup” against Biden.

Posobiec stated, “We are watching a Democrat coup against Joe Biden and his entire administration.”

Later, Posobiec shared, “We are now seeing a coup of the young communists take out the older communists.”

“This happens in every single Leftist Uprising. The Bolsheviks are taking out the Mensheviks,” added Posobiec.



Posobiec also posted a screenshot of a post from Ben Rhodes, the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications President Barack Obama, which read, “Telling people they didn’t see what they saw is not a way to respond to this.”

The senior editor of Human Events captioned the screenshot, writing, “The coup is on. Obama put out the order.”


Posobiec’s response comes as almost every mainstream outlet called for Biden to step down following the debate.


CNN Reporter Says Top Democrats Are Right Now Plotting to Replace Biden (VIDEO)

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