White House Defends Biden After Video Shows Him Freezing Up at Hollywood Fundraiser, Being Led Offstage by Barack Obama

The White House is again defending Joe Biden from the appearance of dementia on the world stage after videos were posted late Saturday night showing Biden freezing up at a Hollywood fundraiser and then being led offstage by Barack Obama.

The video is the third one this week that appears to show Biden either frozen or wandering.

Video posted by Chris Gardner with the Hollywood Reporter that went viral shows Biden briefly applauding the audience and then standing frozen until Obama grabs him by the wrist and leads him offstage with a guiding hand on his back, “That’s a wrap on record-setting Democratic fundraiser for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign (netting $28M). Former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden offer final waves to Peacock Theater crowd as Obama then grabs Biden’s hand to lead him offstage following 40-minute conversation with Jimmy Kimmel.”

Video posted by End Wokeness from an undisclosed source shows a direct frontal view of Biden freezing up.

White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates defended Biden on Sunday in comments that attacked the New York Post for its reporting on the incident:

“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about @POTUS with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super pac, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting it’s readers & itself once again. Their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing…By pretending the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong, all they’re really admitting is – once again – is they can’t take on the leadership that’s fueling the strongest economic growth in the world & bringing violent crime to a 50 year low.”

Bates’s X feed since Thursday is dozens of posts and reposts defending Biden from dementia allegations over his behavior at events this week.

Biden appeared to freeze at an early Juneteenth concert at the White House on Monday while others around him danced to the music:

Longer video of the Biden wandering off incident at the G7 summit in Italy posted to defend Biden by liberal reporter Tommy Christopher with Mediaite does not truly help his case as it shows Biden having to be drawn back in by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, slowly putting his sunglasses on and then stiffly walking with his hand out toward a parachutist.

Video of the parachute landing:

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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.


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