INSANE: New Labour British PM Keir Starmer May Release 40 THOUSAND Prisoners That Served LESS THAN HALF of Their Sentences

After the UK voters took the disastrous step of giving the Labour Party a big majority, a slew of deranged leftist policies is expected – and few of them promise to be more controversial than the handling of their prisons.

It is now reported that up to 40,000 convicted criminals could be freed after serving less than half of their sentences behind bars.

Yes, you read it right: under Labour plans to ease prison overcrowding, convicted felons would be allowed out ‘on license’ after serving only 40 percent of their terms.

This comes after new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer stated that prisons are a ‘broken’ system.

A record 88,225 people are currently in prison in England and Wales and there are believed to be less than 700 places remaining.

Daily Mail reported:

“On Friday Sir Keir appointed a radical reformer to run prisons in England and Wales. James Timpson, who was made the new minister for Prisons, Parole and Probation, has a long track record in advocating for reforms to the UK prison system.

The Timpson CEO and son of the British cobbler’s founder has previously advocated for shorter prison sentences and has been applauded for his schemes in rehabilitating offenders.

The newly-minted peer has also suggested that two-thirds of prisoners did not need to be there, instead backing community sentences which would see more offenders spared jail time.”

Home Secretary, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, and Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood.

New Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said there is not going to be a ‘quick fix’ to the problem of overcrowding in prisons and that the new Labour Government ‘has to deal with the legacy the Tories have left behind.’

As for the incoming Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood, she was advised that the emergency early release plan ‘could prevent prisons running out of space within weeks.’

The move, Labour officials hope, could give them an extra 18 months to allow more prison places to be freed up.

“While no decisions have been finalized and opposition from other ministers is expected, this is a plan Labour are currently considering.

The move would see prisoners serving sentences with a fixed end date, who are currently being released after serving half their time, freed 40 to 43 percent of the way through instead.”

Offenders subject to parole board decisions on prison terms and those imprisoned for sex crimes, violence or terrorism would not – in principle – be eligible for the scheme.

“Ministers are aware they must make a decision in the coming week as it will take the prison service six weeks to carry out risk assessments on inmates and assign probation officers to them.”

Read more:

Britain’s New Labour Party Prime Minister Does Not Know if a Woman Can Have a Penis (VIDEO)

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Paul Serran is a Brazilian writer and musician, completing his first year as a contributor to The Gateway Pundit. He has written books, articles, TV programs, documentaries, plays. He joined the 'Information war' in 2017 and started writing for an international - predominantly American - audience. Unbanned in X | Truth Social | Telegram Channel

You can email Paul Serran here, and read more of Paul Serran's articles here.


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