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Jim Hoft

Let the Trials Begin

Jim Hoft

Iranians Detained in Iraq

Jim Hoft


Jim Hoft

Aziz Chirping

Jim Hoft

Antireligious TV

Jim Hoft


Jim Hoft

Rethinking Liberalism

Jim Hoft

Remembering a Hero

Jim Hoft

Germans for GI's

Jim Hoft

Attack on the Iraqi Bloggers

Jim Hoft

Drumroll Please!

Jim Hoft

A Bash for the Bashers!

Jim Hoft

Attacking Christmas

Jim Hoft

Southern With-Drawl

Jim Hoft

Battle of the Bulge

Jim Hoft

A Pledge to Recall

Jim Hoft

Wake Me Up, Before You Kojo

Jim Hoft

Merry *******

Jim Hoft

Feminists for Bush

Jim Hoft

Kojo A Go-Go

Jim Hoft

Not Routine & Not Uncommon

Jim Hoft


Jim Hoft

Send in the Accountants!

Jim Hoft

Pat, I'll Take an "S"

Jim Hoft

Happy Anniversary

Jim Hoft

When to Say "Uncle"

Jim Hoft

The New League

Jim Hoft

W & Jesus

Jim Hoft

Rise of a People

Jim Hoft