FAKE NEWS! Yemen Denies NYT Claim That U.S. Is Banned From Further Ground Operations

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that “Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country”. The New York Times even shamelessly brought up President Trump’s travel ban as being a possibility for this so-called halt in ground operations by saying, It was unclear if Yemen’s decision to halt the ground attacks was also influenced by Mr.

Hah! Report-92% Of Left-Wing Activists In Berlin Live With Their Parents!

Nearly all of the left-wing protesters in Berlin live with their parents and 1/3 are unemployed according to figures compiled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Via Daily Mail: The vast majority of left-wing protesters arrested on suspicion of politically-fuelled offences in Berlin are young men who live with their parents, a new report found.

Report: 50 House Republicans Tell Trump To Fire IRS Chief!

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved: Hundreds of conservative groups were targeted At least 5 pro-Israel groups Constitutional groups Groups that criticized Obama administration At least two pro-life groups An 83 year-old Nazi concentration camp survivor A 180 year-old Baptist paper A Texas voting-rights group A Hollywood conservative group was targeted and harassed Conservative activists and businesses At least one conservative Hispanic group IRS continued to target groups even after the scandal was exposed 10% of Tea Party donors were audited by the IRS And… 100% of the 501(c)(4) Groups Audited by IRS Were Conservative Now this… IRS Chief, John Koskinen is on the chopping block according to reports.