The Indomitable Donald Trump

A stolen election. An FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Countless investigations. Four federal indictments. A show trial and phony conviction. And now an assassination attempt on his life.

Democrats Are Plotting To Flood November’s Election With Noncitizen Votes – Republicans Must Counteract Sabotage By Passing Election Integrity Laws Immediately

Across the land, Democratic operatives are actively conniving behind the scenes to further undermine our democratic institutions by opening the floodgates for potentially tens of millions of illegals to vote in this November’s election. If any issue unites Americans, it would be the crisis at the border.

INGRASSIA: Will Ol’ Joe Go Gently Into That Good Night?

Whether Joe Biden will drop out of the presidential race has quickly become the most important question of this year’s race, ever since his disastrous performance at last week’s presidential debate finally put both his party and the world on notice about the sheer magnitude of his decline. Although most Republicans have been aware of Joe’s condition for a while now – really, ever since he decided to run for president from his aware basement four years ago, the Democrats – as well as their apparatchiks in the mainstream media, like CNN and The New York Times – have finally shone the spotlight on this escalating dilemma. And it’s not like they have much choice: Biden’s cognitive impairment is undeniable, there’s no two ways about it. many other eighty-year-olds, he is an octogenarian with dementia.

INGRASSIA: The Supreme Court’s Attack On Free Speech Proves The Federalist Society Can No Longer Be Trusted As An Authority For Selecting Judges In A Second Trump Administration

In 2016, one of the issues that helped calm the nerves of ambivalent conservatives and get them to support President Trump, whom they perceived as an insurgent populist with questionable positions on social issues like abortion, was his commitment to selecting judges on a list provided by the Federalist Society. The Federalist Society has long been considered a trusted authority, especially for conservative lawyers. For years it was customary to believe that any judge that had the FedSoc stamp of approval was worthy of an appointment to the federal judiciary. This was because FedSoc was supposed to stand for textualism and originalism, a faithful adherence to the Constitution’s intended meaning – its judges were widely perceived to be among the cream of the crop.

Colorado On The Brink: How The Republican Primary For Lauren Boebert’s Former District Is Shaping Up To Be A Race Between A Pro-Trump Warrior And An Establishment Favorite – Its Outcome Can Determine Not Just The Fate Of Colorado, But Of The Nation

So much attention this year has been deservedly placed on this November’s all-important presidential contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. But there are countless other critical races for House and Senate seats whose outcomes are every bit as important because they will decide how easily President Trump can begin implementing his agenda from the get-go.

Patriot Freedom Project Releases Third Part Of Documentary Showcasing The Personal And Legal Costs Of The Weaponized System Of Justice On Victims And Families

The Patriot Freedom Project, a nonprofit organization founded by Cynthia Hughes, is dedicated to advocating for January 6th political prisoners and their families. As part of its broader advocacy mission, the PFP recently produced a three-part documentary, “Due Process Denied,” which highlights the often harrowing and tragic stories of the J6 victims and their families. The third and final installment of Due Process Denied viscerally recounts how the persecution of the J6 victims is representative of a much deeper constitutional crisis afflicting our society at large.

Entering Summations Week, One Thing Is Clear: Merchan’s Show Trial Is A Travesty Of The Justice System

Alvin Bragg is attempting to charge President Trump with a Class E felony, which is a crime under New York state law. Felonies are typically crimes punishable by more than a year in prison. We know by now that Bragg’s case is riven with errors – and it remains inexplicable why, to the extent President Trump has violated any criminal statute at all, he is still being charged with a felony, rather than a misdemeanor. Of course, the reality is that President Trump committed no crime. But even the statute that Alvin Bragg has cited to base his alleged theory of liability, Penal Law § 175.10, expressly states “a person is guilty of falsifying business … in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” Bragg must not have the attention span (or intelligence)

Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever In His Political Career – And Here’s The Proof

At no other time in President Trump’s political career have his poll numbers been as good as they are now. Not at this stage of the campaign in 2020, not even in 2016. Currently, President Trump commands a significant lead – somewhere between 2 and 6 points, per the RCP average – over Joe Biden in the national polls. Good as those numbers are, they belie even better results when broken down by swing state: according to the latest RCP figures, the 45th President beats Biden by 4 and 12 points in the seven most competitive battleground states this cycle: Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

There’s No There There: How Alvin Bragg’s Case Imploded This Week With Michael Cohen’s Disastrous Testimony

With week four of the Alvin Bragg show trial in the books, it is now crystal clear (if somehow it already wasn’t) that the New York District Attorney has no case. As it stands, the two star witnesses for the prosecution – Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen – proved cataclysmic; so much so that even liberal talking heads like Anderson Cooper and Alyssa Farah fretted on networks like CNN, saying they would acquit President Trump of all allegations given just how bad Cohen’s testimony was.

Biggest Rally Ever! How Wildwood Catapulted MAGA To Heights Never Seen Before In American History

President Trump’s rally on Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey was historic for a number of reasons. Its record-breaking, 100,000+ turnout was the largest political event in New Jersey history – and quite possibly, the largest presidential rally ever, at least in modern times. Perhaps even more remarkable is the fact that such an historic turnout occurred in deep-blue New Jersey, a state that has not voted for a Republican president since George H.W.

It’s Time For Donald Trump’s Media Company To Consider Buying The NY Times, Washington Post, Or Wall Street Journal – And Make Fake News Fair Again!

A great deal so far has been written about how President Trump will dramatically overhaul and scale back the administrative state when he becomes President again in November. Such a move, if successful, would restore a great deal of legitimacy to democratic lawmakers, particularly in Congress – and the President himself – who will be less hamstrung by the subversive ideologies and agendas of career Washington bureaucrats.

New York Is Trump Country

A lesser man staring down a criminal conviction, even on utterly bogus charges, might break under the stress of the event, or succumb to doubt and despair. But Donald Trump, as the saying goes, is made of sterner stuff. This stuff was readily on display Thursday morning in Midtown when he was greeted to a hero’s welcome before a litany of construction workers, representing the Steamfitters Union 638. Close to a thousand union workers, many of them still registered Democrats, arrived at the crack of dawn – before the President’s scheduled court proceeding – to serenade the President with a traditional New York homecoming.

Alvin Bragg’s Legal Assault On President Trump Is Lawfare Of The Worst Kind: Strategizing A Legal Counterattack

Between judicially disqualifying conflicts of interests to overbroad gag orders that outrageously violate President Trump’s First Amendment rights as a criminal defendant, the President’s lawyers have multiple grounds on which to appeal this present show trial, which makes a mockery of the rule of law currently underway in lower Manhattan.

Mike Johnson’s Faustian Bargain

The current House Speaker is cut from the same cloth as Mike Pence: a tergiversating weakling who always fails to stand for America First when push comes to shove.

Judge Merchan’s Gag Order Against President Trump Is The Textbook Case Of An Unconstitutional Prior Restraint On His First Amendment Rights: A Legal Commentary On Why It Must Be Removed

Judge Merchan’s emotionally deranged and irresponsibly overbroad gag order, issued in two separate installments, the second building off the first, is both dangerous and unprecedented for its sweeping scope. It severely infringes on President Trump’s fundamental rights protected under the First Amendment to speak, and, wherever appropriate, criticize the trial proceeding as he sees fit. It is well-settled law that prior restraints on speech, of which gag orders are the textbook example, are – in the overwhelming majority of cases – unconstitutional as a form of government censorship.

Ingrassia: Alvin Bragg’s Case Against President Trump Is A Total Scam With No Basis In Law, Fact, Or Reality

The weaponization of the rule of law has reached a point beyond repair in New York State, with the ongoing trial being waged by District Attorney Alvin Bragg against President Donald Trump. Even at this late hour, the State has failed to prove 1) how President Trump falsified business records; 2) how the alleged falsification of the business records scheme was criminal; and 3) why that alleged crime should be prosecuted as a felony, rather than a misdemeanor, which is the typical charge for falsification schemes under New York State Law.

Ingrassia: Mike Johnson Must Exhibit Stronger Leadership Over The House As President Trump Endures Political Persecution

This week, President Trump faces a political prosecution in New York State, forcing him into the courtroom and off the campaign trail. Every single day President Trump, who now leads in most state polls as the frontrunner for the 2024 general election, is hamstrung from campaigning is another day Biden and his regime apparatchiks get an unfair advantage. The strategy of what President Trump’s enemies are doing is readily on display: Biden has deliberately rigged the playing field to give his team, which languishes in countless self-inflicted crises, every opportunity it could get to make up lost ground.

The Lawfare Against John Eastman and Jeff Clark Portend The Fate of Every Right-Leaning Attorney Who Fails To Stand Up For Their Persecuted Colleagues

If the Biden Regime can be summarized by a single word, it would be: injustice. No presidential administration in the history of the United States ever observed such an egregious assault on civil liberties and the rule of law, especially constitutional due process and the presumption of innocence, than what is now occurring under Biden and his weaponized Department of Justice today. Donald Trump is, of course, Political Hostage Numero Uno of the weaponized justice system – and his white martyrdom at the hand of a deeply subverted justice system in this country has galvanized his base, and his countrymen, to levels that surpass anytime since he first entered politics in 2015.

Revenge Of The Swamp: DC RINOs Attempt to Sabotage President Trump’s Re-Election With Retirements, Insurrection Legislation – President Trump Must Work On Counter-Strategy Before It’s Too Late

The Uniparty is quietly scheming (again) to rig the system and prevent President Trump from ever becoming President. This scheme involves a two-part strategy: using a combination of strategically planned retirements of Republican House members, coupled with the passage of carefully tailored legislation to remove President Trump from the ballot on bogus Insurrection grounds that would likely pass muster with moderate justices on the Supreme Court, like John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett, who prefer to avoid deciding on “controversial” legal questions and risk being seen in a bad light by their liberal peers.

PLEASE HELP Cara Castronuova Get On Ballot For Senate Race In New York To Take Out RINO Mike Sapraicone And Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand

Cara Castronuova, a longtime Newsmax contributor and investigative journalist for The Gateway Pundit, is making a final call this week for donations and volunteers to collect petitions across New York State to help get her on the ballot in the Republican primary for the Senate race against Kirsten Gillibrand this November.

Donald Trump Is Right: The Trump Brand Is Actually Undervalued By Billions Of Dollars

In recent weeks, the news cycle has been flush with stories about how Donald Trump allegedly “overvalued” his real estate assets to the tune of hundreds of millions more than their actual worth to fraudulently secure loans from major financial institutions like Deutsche Bank. This, even though Donald Trump and The Trump Organization secured those loans, without controversy, and had a lucrative partnership with the various lenders implicated in the lawsuit – where both parties made a fortune over decades, and where not a single party lost money or suffered any damages as a result of the relationship. In short, there was no fraud.

The Political Prosecution Waged Against President Trump Shows The Great Need For Absolute Presidential Immunity More Than Ever

The National Constitutional Law Union (“NCLU”) Filed An Amicus Brief With The Supreme Court Urging For Absolute Presidential Immunity As Demanded By Alexander Hamilton In The Federalist Papers The National Constitutional Law Union (“NCLU”), founded by John Pierce, recently filed an amicus curiae – or “friend of the court” brief – on behalf of Petitioner, Donald Trump, for the President’s immunity case before the Supreme Court.

MUST READ: Donald Trump’s Civil Cases In New York Are About Much More Than Him – And If Allowed To Stand, Will Be The Death Knell For Capitalism, Property Rights, And The Rule Of Law

By Paul Ingrassia The Constitution established a form of limited government that was intended to do little else except preserve property rights while guarding those foundational liberties – i.e., freedom to speak, assemble, and religious freedom – that are necessary building blocks for any democratic society. The government enacted by our Founding Fathers was not designed, as modern Leftists conceive it, to protect the marketplace against perceived injustices, real or imagined, in the namesake of “diversity” or “equity” or some other liberal trope, that – if brought to its logical conclusion – would level all standards, quash all forms of creative genius, and level all of society to the lowest common denominator.

Ed Cox Is Running New York State To The Ground By Repeatedly Backing Never Trumpers – And President Trump Is Watching!

The Ed Cox-led Republican Party in New York State is like the gang that could not shoot straight. First, there was the nonsensical George Santos ouster, in which a cadre of disgruntled Republican congressmen, including Nick LaLota and Mike Lawler, backed by state party leaders, led the effort to expel the former Congressman from NY-03, because, at bottom, they were jealous of his popularity among the MAGA grassroots – and extraordinary success story – relative to their own.

Under Biden, America Is Failing – Big League!

“An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually…and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest,” wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his Gulag Archipelago, a book that viscerally chronicled the hellscape of life under Soviet tyranny. The lasting impact of the work goes to the universal lessons it elaborates about tyranny – and how those lessons apply with as much fervor to modern American life as anywhere under Joe Biden, where impromptu arrests of innocent civilians, draconian censorship of the press and dissident views, and heavy-handed application of the law – impartially and without consideration for due process at all – defines the day-to-day realities of our seeming never-ending national nightmare.

The Rebranding Of The GOP Into MAGA Can Be Accelerated With The Trump Team’s Takeover Of The RNC

Mapping Out An Effective Strategy For A Post-Ronna McDaniel RNC So many of the pitfalls that have plagued this year’s presidential race, between the unnecessary Republican primary to the all-out lawfare still being waged against President Trump by rogue prosecutors like Letitia James and Fani Willis, could have been circumvented with the backing of a competent Republican National Committee. Indeed, if the RNC had retaliated against the Biden regime’s witch-hunts against President Trump and his supporters going back to the days of the Mueller probe, there certainly would not have been the level of retaliation we are now observing with the four indictments, and 91 charges, that have been maliciously carried out by regime apparatchiks, parading the marching orders of Biden and his lackeys in the deep state, who wish to sabotage the MAGA movement by any means necessary.

President Trump’s CPAC Speech Was A Masterstroke Of Political Genius

President Trump was in vintage form on Saturday, where he first delivered the one-two punch between a Homeric speech, in which he deviated from his prepared remarks and instead chose to amuse the packed room with a series of ad-libbed stories from his first term. Then, just a few hours later, he barnstormed to South Carolina and declared victory in what seemed like just minutes after his arrival and only hours after his highly entertaining peroration in National Harbor. Although the President continues to deal with the crippling effects of a justice system animated by the same communist ideologies that cannibalized the Soviet Union and so many Socialist banana republics to our south in the decades past, his remarks typified true statesmanship in being at one and the same time reasonable, and marinated in common sense. The President’s hour-and-a-half-long speech not only amused the room but reminded everyone of how

The New York State GOP Poised To Repeat Mazi Pilip Debacle By Nominating Another RINO Candidate To Challenge Gillibrand In Senate Race

Kirsten Gillibrand, the far-left Democrat who is New York’s junior senator, is up for re-election this year. Under her tenure, the state has gotten considerably worse: it currently suffers from record-setting inflation, rising crime and homicide rates, and an unmanageable illegal migrant crisis that could well be the straw that breaks New York City’s back.

Engoron’s $350+ Million Verdict Against President Trump Spells Doom for Business in New York, Ending Free Enterprise and Opening the Floodgates for Socialism in the Financial Capital of the World

New York, once the financial capital of the free world, a city that epitomized the best of American ingenuity and capitalism, dealt itself a fatal blow with last week’s verdict against President Trump that would have him pay in excess of $350 million simply for having politics deemed forbidden by a rogue judge acting out the shrieking orders of a vindictive Attorney General. It is a tragic indictment of the Empire State – and really, America’s ongoing political crisis overall – that arguably its proudest son and most prolific developer since Robert Moses would be cannibalized by the legal matrix of a state now defined by its shrinking population, unmanageable illegal alien crisis, and skyrocketing crime that complements its equally skyrocketing cost of living.

The Lesson of Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin Interview for Independent Journalism

By Paul Ingrassia The significance of Tucker Carlson’s interview last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot be overstated – and spans beyond just the immediate geopolitical crisis in Eastern Europe, the long-term sustainability of NATO, or even Russian-American relations more broadly. At its core, Carlson has at this stage of his career transformed into something of an evangelist for the true meaning of freedom of the press. In saner times, no serious journalist would make the unsophisticated assumption that merely looking to sit-down for an interview with the President of a major superpower and trading partner constituted an act of treason, as so many talking heads on MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times Editorial Page want you to think.