Defeated in European Elections, Macron May Resign if He Loses the Snap Parliamentary Vote – MSM Sets Out to Pit RN’s Le Pen and Bardella Against Each Other

The European Elections showed voters all around the continent rejecting the political establishment that drove the EU into the absolute mess it finds itself today: sagging economies, unchecked mass migration bringing societal chaos, and crippling ‘green’ policies endangering the very food security of nations.

French Citizen Arrested in Moscow, Pleads Guilty To ‘Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent’ While Researching Russian Military

Against the background of the rapidly decaying Franco-Russian relations, and also after the greatly controversial approval by Georgia of the ‘Foreign Agents’ law, it arises that a French citizen, the researcher Laurent Vinatier, has been arrested in Russia under the equivalent law, what in the US would be the FARA legislation.

In Retaliation for Ukraine Using NATO Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russian Territory, Putin Says He May Supply Weapons to Regions That Can Attack Western Countries’ Targets

During the 2024 Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin has gathered foreign journalists – including from ‘unfriendly countries’ – for a long conversations about many topics, including, of course, the new ‘authorizations’ by western powers for Ukraine to strike Russian territory with their supplied long-range missiles.

Nasty Leftist Comedian Makes SICK Sexualized Joke About Conservative Activist’s Baby Son – Gets Punched, and Finds Out That ‘The World Is Not Twitter’

There’s a memorable quote by boxing legend Mike Tyson that says “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” That’s exactly the case, as people breach the boundary of free speech and feel comfortable posting idiotic, offensive and even criminal things, thinking they are safe behind their screens.

After the Battle for the ‘Foreign Agents Law’, Georgian Government Pushes 19 Bills Against LGBT Movement, in a Move Sure To Reignite NGO Protests

We have been following the developments in Georgia, a former Soviet Republic with a non-Globalist government that is under great pressure from the west because of its ‘Foreign Agents’ law – but that has doubled down and will probably ignite a much greater world controversy with a legislation push against the LGBT movement.