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Australia at the COP21 climate conference in Paris

Latest news and comment on Australia's participation at the COP21 UN climate change conference in Paris

December 2020

  • British president of COP26 Alok Sharma

    UN climate summit president thanks Australian states – but not Morrison government – for backing net zero

    UK energy minister Alok Sharma urges ‘all of you who have not already done so to join the race’ to net zero emissions by 2050

October 2020

  • Greg Jericho

    Grogonomics graph of the week
    Acting on climate change can get us out of recession. There are no excuses left

    Greg Jericho
    The IMF says we can increase economic growth over the next 15 years and decrease emissions to net zero by 2050

December 2019

  • Australia’s energy and emissions reduction minister Angus Taylor speaks at the COP25 UN climate talks in Madrid.

    After Paris
    Fact checking Angus Taylor: does Australia have a climate change record to be proud of?

    On a day of extraordinary bushfires the energy minister argued that the country has ‘strong targets, clear plans and an enviable track record’ on reducing emissions. Is he right?

September 2019

  • Steve Posselt paddling

    I'm a climate warrior. Here's why I paddled and dragged my kayak through three continents

    Steve Posselt
  • Scott Morrison

    Scott Morrison won't attend UN climate summit despite being in the US

May 2017

  • Josh Frydenberg

    Australia will still support Paris climate deal if Trump pulls out, Frydenberg says

    Environment minister says Coalition takes emissions targets seriously and US climate change policy was ‘a matter for the Trump administration’

November 2016

  • QT Senate 8/11/16

    Australia politics live with Gabrielle Chan
    Brandis rescinded direction 'to give new solicitor general a clean slate' – as it happened

  • Sturt Daley, site manager, stands atop a wind turbine nacelle at Capital Wind Farm in Bungendore.

    Climate change: Australia falling behind rest of world on emissions cuts, says report

July 2016

  • Josh Frydenberg in Parliament Housem Canberra

    Josh Frydenberg: Australia's use of coal is falling 'and that is not a bad thing'

    The new energy and environment minister tells Katharine Murphy the market can be trusted to cut emissions without more changes to Direct Action

March 2016

  • Energy use per person was on track to rise sixfold by 2050 across the world, according to researchers from Queensland and Griffith universities

    Dangerous global warming will happen sooner than thought – study

    Australian researchers say a global tracker monitoring energy use per person points to 2C warming by 2030

December 2015

  • Stockpiles of iron ore in Western Australia���s Pilbara region.

    Australian market looks to US rates and iron ore prices, not Paris climate deal

  • Wind turbines on Capital Wind Farm in Bungendore, New South Wales.

    Malcolm Turnbull lifts Abbott ban on government finance for wind power

  • Spirit of India<br>Foreign Minister Julie Bishop at the launch of Patrick Farmers Spirit of India run in the senate alcove of Parliament House, Canberra this morning, Wednesday 2nd December 2015. photograph by Mike Bowers

    Paris climate talks: Bishop hails 'historic' day as nearly 200 countries sign deal

  • Lenore Taylor in Paris

    Paris climate deal might just be enough to start turning the tide on global warming

    Lenore Taylor in Paris
  • Lenore Taylor on politics
    What does the Paris climate agreement mean for Australia?

    Lenore Taylor in Paris
  • Australia belatedly joins 'coalition of ambition' at Paris climate talks

  • Westpac will not rule out investing in coal projects 'if they fit our criteria'

  • Climate change negotiations in Paris 'close to the finishing line', say French

  • Australia wins 'fossil of the day' for Julie Bishop's coal speech at Paris climate talks

  • Australia warns against stripping Paris climate agreement of ambition

About 37 results for Australia at the COP21 climate conference in Paris