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Australian foreign policy

July 2024

  • Labor Senator Fatima Payman speaks to the media

    WA Labor multicultural group in revolt over treatment of Fatima Payman

  • Two musicians

    Tenacious D Australian tour date postponed after comment about Trump shooting

  • The prime minister, Anthony Albanese

    Australia news live
    PM accuses Dutton of pulling Liberals further to the right; jail sentence for second Blockade Australia protester – as it happened

  • Penny Wong

    Documents reveal why Australia voted yes in key UN motion on Palestinian membership

  • Australia news live
    Woman and teenage girl found dead in Sydney home – as it happened

  • Chinese navy destroyer and helicopter shadowed Australian warship during high-profile standoff, documents show

  • Australia news live
    Greens and academics criticise appointment of antisemitism envoy – as it happened

  • Former defence chief’s report into Zomi Frankcom killing handed to Albanese government

  • Australia's attorney general says criticism of Israel 'absolutely can be' antisemitic – video

  • The question that Australia cannot answer: if we can’t depend on America, then who?

    Allan Behm
  • Fatima Payman’s exit reveals ‘chasm’ between Labor and traditional base over Palestine, party insiders say

  • Fatima Payman walked a path familiar to many of us – work within a system or disrupt it from the outside

    Sisonke Msimang
  • Fatima Payman’s decision to quit Labor party will ‘empower opponents on far right’, Wayne Swan says

  • The Australian senator dividing the ruling Labor party over Palestinian statehood

  • Full Story
    Fatima Payman and the cost of voting with her conscience – Full Story podcast

  • Fatima Payman says she has been ‘exiled’ by Labor following suspension from caucus

  • Albanese stands by Fatima Payman’s suspension over Palestine ‘stunt’

June 2024

  • Fatima Payman

    Australia news live
    Fatima Payman admits she ‘upset a few colleagues’ by crossing the floor – as it happened

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  • NDIS minister Bill Shorten launches his ‘waste website’ at Parliament House in Canberra.

    Australia news live
    Shorten says NDIS ‘too important for political games’ after bill blocked – as it happened

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  • Greg Jericho

    As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny

    Greg Jericho
    How can Australia get to net zero by 2050 while approving projects that will run for decades beyond that date?
About 1,341 results for Australian foreign policy