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Australian security and counter-terrorism

Australian national security policy and counter-terrorism efforts

July 2024

  • Shadow of man holding arm of woman in dark room

    Domestic violence perpetrators could be tracked by specialised agency, Australian crime institute says

    Exclusive: Report into intimate partner homicide says such individuals share similar behaviour to violent extremists and should be treated the same way
  • NSW police establish a crime scene after a woman and a teenage girl were found dead inside a home in Sydney’s north-west.

    Australia news live
    Woman and teenage girl found dead in Sydney home – as it happened

    This blog is now closed.
    • Australia news live
      Greens and academics criticise appointment of antisemitism envoy – as it happened

    • Australia news live
      Politicians dress up for Canberra’s night of nights – as it happened

    • Australia ‘monitoring’ US ban on Russian antivirus software but no plans yet to follow suit

June 2024

  • Fatima Payman

    Australia news live
    Fatima Payman admits she ‘upset a few colleagues’ by crossing the floor – as it happened

  • Tim Crakanthorp

    Teenager charged with planning terrorist attack after allegedly entering NSW MP’s office with ‘intention to kill’

  • NDIS minister Bill Shorten launches his ‘waste website’ at Parliament House in Canberra.

    Australia news live
    Shorten says NDIS ‘too important for political games’ after bill blocked – as it happened

  • Alexander Csergo as seen on Linkedin and being arrested in Bondi, Sydney.

    Bondi businessman accused of helping Chinese spies told fleeing Australia would be ‘crazy’

  • Australian politics live with Amy Remeikis
    Politicians warned against taking advantage of Qantas compensation payments – as it happened

  • Australia news live
    Labor says ‘no mandated sanction’ after senator crosses floor – as it happened

  • Australia news live
    Indigenous leader Rev Dr D Gondarra dies – as it happened

  • Littleproud contradicts deputy on nuclear vetoes from community – as it happened

  • Australian Border Force questions three people suspected of travelling to join Israeli army

  • Australia news live
    RBA governor says inflation still above target; Matt Kean to retire from politics – as it happened

  • Government could repatriate Australian women and children from Syrian detention camps if it had ‘political will’, court says

  • Dutton’s plan to scrap 2030 emissions target ‘not helpful’, AGL executive says – as it happened

  • Australian Border Force searched phones of 10,000 travellers in past two years, data shows

  • Australia only granted defence export permits to Israel for repair of equipment since conflict, estimates told

  • Peter Dutton to be referred to national security watchdog over Benbrika case, judge says

About 1,783 results for Australian security and counter-terrorism