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Annotated solutions for Genius 242

This article is more than 10 months old

Follow the methodology behind Genius 242

Each letter of the alphabet appears at least once at the end of the solutions to the clues, which are to be fitted in the grid jigsaw-wise wherever they will go.

X American SI<O(xford)/U(ni)>X

Z Alcatraz A/L<CAT/R(uns)>AZ(y)

Y next year N<EX/T(ramwa)Y>EAR

S oasis double def

L oxtail (f)OXTAIL

A ballista BALL/1ST/A

P average up AV(erage)/UP (rev)

V spiv VIPS (rev)

U perdu PER<D(anes>U

C melodic ranCID OL(d) EM(menthal)

F shrug off FIGURE OF SPEECH less E(nglish)/PIECE (anag)

V Tel Aviv VIVA LET (rev)


O reach to TOE ARCH (anag)

D outward OUT + DRAW (rev)

T queasiest QUIET SEAS (anag)

Y meat curry TA(rev)/CUR in ME(r)RRY

S oxheads O/X/HE/ADS

K hard disk HAR<DD/IS>K [Doctor of Divinity]

M snowstorm MR/O/TS (Eliot)/WON/S(omething) (rev)

E oeuvre O(ld)/E(English)/U(ltra)V(iolet)/R(oyal)E(ngineers)

G hashtag HAS/H(otel)/TAG

W pillow P(risoner)<ILL>O(f)/W(ar)

B absorb ABS/OR/B(uttocks)

J hadj HAD/J [J comes after I(ndia)]

I Yemeni ENEMY 1 (anag)

H footpath oldisH TAP TOO Frail (hidden rev)

N dorsal fin FOR ISLAND (anag)

L small Sado/Masochism/ + ALL

S two ounces WE SOON CUT (anag) [American liquid measure]

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