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Dancing was what the doctor ordered for Len Goodman

My favourite lesson

Alice Wignall
Tuesday 5 December 2006
The Guardian

I was born in Bethnal Green - Tower Hamlets as it is now - and went to a normal school until I was 15 and then I went off to be an apprentice engineer. But learning to dance is obviously the lesson that has had the most impact on my life.

I got into dancing because I had hurt my foot and it just wouldn't get better. I had an old Scottish doctor who told me to go ballroom dancing. He said it was very good for your feet because you're going up and down a lot. My girlfriend arranged for it all to happen. I really didn't want to go, I kicked up a right fuss. But once I'd been for a couple of weeks, I really loved it. I realised I had a bit of a talent for it. I started very late in life in terms of other professionals - I was 19 - and I only danced for about eight years. I won the British Championships, and I only won because a couple of other people weren't in it who should have been. I thought, "Well, I won't win this again", so I thought I'd retire a winner. Then I opened my dancing school.

I absolutely love teaching. I've taught every standard from world champion to beginners and my favourite are people off the street, and children, and I do those classes if I can. My philosophy of lessons is that they should always be fun. If they're having a good time, I've done my job. If they're learning to dance at the same time, that's a bonus. My first goal is to make it enjoyable and sociable. I don't agree with learning to dance at any cost, if it's really disciplined and hard work. But it is so rewarding to see people learning to dance.

You get to see it on the show, as well. The celebrities come on and they're a bit reluctant and shy, and you get to see this metamorphosis happen. It's lovely. When I was first asked to do the programme I wasn't sure, because I thought it might be a bit of a mickey-take. But I'm so glad I did it, because it's dispelled the preconception about what dance classes or schools are like. The programme has changed things in dancing schools like you can't imagine. Everyone has had huge influxes of people coming to dance. It's absolutely brilliant.

The other lesson I have had in my life, which I have really valued, is a bit of advice from my dad. He said that a person only needs three things in their life: work, a marriage and a hobby. When you boil it down, those are the only important things. I've always thought that was a great bit of advice. And I am very fortunate that I've had a job that was also my hobby.

Len Goodman is a dance teacher and a judge on the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. His DVD Dance With Len Goodman is out now

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