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Ask Annalisa Barbieri

Every week Annalisa Barbieri addresses a problem sent in by a reader. If you would like advice from Annalisa, please send your problem to Annalisa regrets she cannot enter into personal correspondence. Submissions are subject to our terms and conditions

  • sad-01

    I can’t face getting on my bike after a serious accident – but I’d love to ride again

    When we revisit a traumatic memory we relive all the original horrors and fears of it – the sweating, panic, fear, heart racing. This sounds like what is happening to you
  • Alone-01

    My former friends are ignoring me when I try to reconnect. Why does it hurt so much?

    It’s great you tried to reach out to your old colleagues and housemates, but maybe they (like you) have moved on. Here’s how to try to accept that
  • Illustration of a man and a woman with their arms folded.

    Our place is a mess, but my partner and I still can’t agree who does which chores

    The withholding of anything on purpose – sex, money, housework – is about control. Might your domestics reflect other underlying tensions?
  • An illustration of a lady with her back facing us, sitting.

    I just found out who my real father is. What do I do now?

    DNA tests can reveal some huge hidden secrets. Take time to process your own feelings before coming to terms with your new family tree
  • Mum Dad arguing with child stuck in the middle

    My working-class dad sent me to private school – now I feel that I’ve failed him

    You carry a huge burden of guilt, but it was your parents who failed you, not you them. Their damaging expectations meant you never felt loved for who you are
  • An stylised illustration of two women arguing.

    My daughter rarely bathes and her room is smelly, but says she doesn’t care

    It may be a cry for help, or simple teenage rebellion. Either way, you need to find a new, less judgmental way to communicate
  • illustration of man standing alone

    My daughter took her own life, and I can’t face talking to anyone about it

    Listening to people who have been through what you’re going through might help you to open up
  • An illustration of a woman with her back facing us, arms folded.

    Why am I so afraid to accept that it’s time for me to retire?

    Taking a step into the unknown can be scary, but there are ways to feel part of something outside the world of workEvery week Annalisa Barbieri addresses a problem sent in by a reader
  • Sad couple-01

    I’m yearning for a third child to recreate the large, loving family I grew up in

    It’s obvious you feel grateful for what you have, but remember your experience is of having three siblings, not three children
  • sad-01

    I’m happily remarried, but am haunted by my ex’s long-ago betrayal

    Your first husband robbed you of a lot, and you have some mourning to do. But there seems to be a part of you that thinks you don’t deserve happiness
  • Worried-01

    I’m ignored when I try to chat to people. How can I improve my conversation skills?

    Fruitful exchanges require input from two people. Listen carefully to what others are saying and use feelings, rather than facts, to connect
  • Unsympathetic - man woman illustration

    My brother bullied me, which has had a lifelong impact. Can I build bridges with him now?

    He is the one who should be saying sorry. There’s no miracle cure, but do consider therapy, and keep good people around you
  • An illustration of a man with crossly folded arms, with a seated female figure in the background.

    My friend ranks his friendships in a league table – and it worries me

    You need to consider why this bothers you so much and if you should bring it up. Without asking directly, it’s hard to know his motivation
  • Thoughts

    Should my partner and I share our love letters from previous relationships with our children?

    These missives are an opportunity for connection. If your children don’t want them, that’s up to them, but give them the choice
  • Unsympathetic - woman man-01

    How can I stop my dad watching porn on his phone at home?

    He may be dealing with grief or depression, but whatever the cause, your dad needs help to reset his boundaries
  • Man with scribbled thoughts illustration

    Living with my depressed husband is ripping me apart. What can I do?

    I have sympathy for him, but I’m concerned by the pressure on you. You deserve to be happy, and cannot do all the emotional work for both of you
  • Friendship Breakdown - woman woman-01

    My friend copies things I say, wear and do, and watches my house. Is this stalking?

    You are right to feel uncomfortable, rather than flattered, by such extreme imitation. Short of cutting her off completely, there are ways to gradually disentangle yourself
  • illustration of a lonely woman

    I’m finding it hard to accept that I may never have a daughter

    Try not to dwell on what you feel is missing, but instead focus on the positive relationships and values you can nurture with your sons
    • Every week Annalisa Barbieri addresses a family-related problem sent in by a reader
  • angry woman woman woman-01

    I want to celebrate my 50th – but my friends can’t stand each other

    A milestone birthday is an excellent opportunity to have lots of gatherings throughout the year, with groups of people who do get on
  • unsympathetic woman illustration

    My sister-in-law has treated her family terribly. I avoid her but still feel bad about it

    It’s not up to you to fix this, but it might be worth asking her what’s going on
About 803 results for Ask Annalisa Barbieri