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Activate New York

June 2014

  • Activate London 2013

    Activate New York 2014
    Activate: New York 2014 introduction

    Activate New York 2014... coming soon

December 2013

  • Werner Vogels

    Media network blog
    Werner Vogels: how cloud computing is enabling innovation – video

    The CTO of highlights how cloud platforms are fuelling experimentation and encouraging increased competition between businesses

November 2013

  • Jasmine Whitbread

    Media network blog
    Activate New York 2013: LIVE

    Watch live coverage from the Guardian's Activate Summit 2013

October 2013

  • Zach Sims

    Media network blog
    Learning to code: Q&A with Zach Sims

    Codecademy co-founder and CEO on the importance of programming as tech continues to touch all aspects of our lives

  • Activate New York 2013
    Judging panel

    The Activate tech talent day judging panel consists of leading investors, inventors and entrepreneurs from across the world

  • Activate New York 2013
    Tech talent day - agenda

    The Guardian's Tech talent day will feature 10 startups pitching to a panel of leading investors

    • Activate New York 2013
      Pitching process and criteria

    • Activate New York 2013

    • Activate New York 2013
      Activate New York: tech talent day

  • Activate New York 2013
    Activate New York 2013: conference fees

    Prices to attend the Activate New York Summit

  • Activate New York 2013
    Activate New York: essential information

  • Activate New York 2013
    Who should attend Activate New York?

  • Activate New York 2013
    Activate New York: supporters and partners

  • Activate New York 2013
    Activate New York: speakers

  • Activate New York 2013
    What is Activate?

  • Activate New York 2013
    Activate New York: agenda

May 2012

  • Activate videos
    At the beginnings of openness: competing in an open economy - video

  • Activate videos
    Are we winning the battle for an open internet? - video

  • Activate videos
    Yochai Benkler - 'The networked public sphere': framing the public discourse of the SOPA/PIPA debate

  • Media network blog
    Interview with LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman - video

About 26 results for Activate New York