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This photograph shows a box containing two pistols, which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, during the preview before their auction, in Paris on 18 June 2024. The sale, called “L'Empire à Fontainebleau”, organised by both Rossini and Osenat auction houses, will take place on 7 July 2024 in Fontainebleau
This photograph shows a box containing two pistols, which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, during the preview before their auction, in Paris on 18 June 2024. The sale, called “L'Empire à Fontainebleau”, organised by both Rossini and Osenat auction houses, will take place on 7 July 2024 in Fontainebleau. Photograph: Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images
This photograph shows a box containing two pistols, which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, during the preview before their auction, in Paris on 18 June 2024. The sale, called “L'Empire à Fontainebleau”, organised by both Rossini and Osenat auction houses, will take place on 7 July 2024 in Fontainebleau. Photograph: Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images

Pistols Napoleon planned to use to kill himself sold in France for €1.7m

Napoleon said to have tried to use the guns after defeat of French campaign, but grand squire removed the gunpowder, so French ruler tried poison instead

Two pistols that Napoleon Bonaparte once intended to use to kill himself were sold in France on Sunday for €1.69m (US$1.8m), the auction house said, with the government banning their export so that they stay in the country as national treasures.

The identity of the buyer at the auction in Fontainebleau south of Paris of the finely adorned objects was not made public but the final sale price, with fees, was above the estimates of €1.2-1.5m.

The richly decorated guns inlaid with gold and silver feature the engraved image of Napoleon in full imperial pomp.

A staff member shows the box containing two pistols, which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, during the preview before their auction, in Paris on 18 June 2024. Photograph: Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images

They are said to have almost been used to end the French ruler’s life in 1814, when he was forced to give up power after foreign forces defeated his army and occupied Paris.

“After the defeat of the French campaign, he was totally depressed and wanted to commit suicide with these weapons but his grand squire removed the powder,” auction house expert Jean-Pierre Osenat told AFP before the sale.

Napoleon instead took poison but vomited and survived, and later gave the pistols to his squire to thank him for his loyalty, Osenat added.

Upon his abdication, Napoleon went into exile on the island of Elba off the coast of Italy. He would soon make a dramatic return to France, only to have his career definitively ended when he was defeated by the British at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, dying in exile on the island of Saint Helena six years later.

A staff member shows a detail of one of the two pistols, which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, during the preview before their auction, in Paris on 18 June 2024. Photograph: Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP/Getty Images

Memorabilia of the emperor is extremely sought after among collectors.

One of his famous “bicorne” black cocked hats with its blue, white and red trimmings sold for €1.9m in November.

Ahead of the sale of the weapons, the French culture ministry had classified the objects as national treasures and placed a ban on their export, in a decision published in the government’s official journal on Saturday.

The issuing of the export ban certificate opens a 30-month period during which the French government can make a purchase offer to the unidentified new owner, who has the right to refuse.

Whatever its value and age, a cultural property qualified as a national treasure can leave France only temporarily, with a mandatory return.

“Being classified as a national treasure gives an incredible value to the object,” said a representative of the Osenat auction house, asking not to be named.

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