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If you are READY TO

your life

     STEP INTO your purpose…     

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A LEtter

from Meghan

Hi, I’m so glad that you’re here.

You may feel lost, or confused about how you ended up on this page. I want to take the time to introduce myself to you. I am Meghan Rose and my work with Astrology & Tarot is meant to be a guiding light for those that are in the middle of change, transformation, or overwhelm.

I work with Astrology & Tarot, but also bring my deeply intuitive and psychic gifts to help connect us to your spirit team during each of our unique sessions. Regardless of what’s happening in your life, just know that you are in the right place and you are right on time.

Astrology & Tarot are practices that I have used to help guide my clients create their dream life for over 15 years. All of the years that I felt misunderstood, isolated, or judged were remedied with these magical modalities and helped me to connect to my intuition in a newfound way. I hope to bring you that same sense of clarity to you through our work together.

Each of my sessions is meant to help you connect more deeply to yourself, others, and the world around you. My expertise and insights have been shared with people all over the world but I remain amazed each time I connect with someone new. My sessions bring people a sense of empowerment, confidence, and assist them in reaching their goals so that they can step into a life that is purposeful & liberated. I hope to do that with you, too.

I want you to walk away from our session better off than it found you. I want what I write and what I do in this world to feel like a warm hug. So although life can sometimes feel tough or scary, I want you to know that you are not alone. I see you. I can’t wait to work with you.

With gratitude,