The Simpsons have become a cultural phenomenon deeply rooted within American entertainment culture. Since 1987, the satirical, animated sitcom has been delivering iconic (and never-ending) episodes that define animated sitcoms to this day.

With its flawed, yet comical and lovable characters portraying parodies of American life, the show remains well-known in households and always makes viewers laugh. This article is going to take you through our top 10 The Simpsons episodes of the 90s.

Homer Goes to College

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: Daily Guy Toons YouTube

The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: isscartoons YouTube

Homie the Clown

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: guiltytoo YouTube

Treehouse of Horror V

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: Lovely Simpsons YouTube

You Only Move Twice

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: BBB Q YouTube

Last Exit to Springfield

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: EveryThing TV YouTube

Marge vs. the Monorail

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: BBB Q YouTube

Lisa the Vegetarian

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: Maddalena Ercole YouTube

Mr. Plow

Credit: Credit: Screenshot:ThingsICantFindOtherwise YouTube

Cape Feare

Credit: Credit: Screenshot: Simpsons Highlights YouTube
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