*Microphone tap* Is this thing on? Testing, testing...(just making sure!)

Alex and Mauricio just shared some big news today, and they asked me to share it here with you, since many of you have read my blog since my oldest was about nine years old. Rather than just come out with the news right away, though, I think I'll let my perfect granddog George be the first to share. Check out his bandana...

ree drummond's daughter alex and her husband mauricio are expecting

Yes, it's true! Alex and Mauricio are expecting---and I don't mean a puppy, though I wouldn't put it past them (or me) to treat news of an upcoming new puppy in the exact same way as a pregnancy announcement. Here is Alex's post today!

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Oh my gosh. Alex is pregnant! My first baby is having her first baby. My child is going to have a child. It's surreal, and I'm sure all of you grandparents can relate to the feeling of momentarily leaving your body after hearing upon hearing similar news. In a separate post, I'll tell the story of how they told us the news, what my reaction was (and what Ladd's reaction was), and some other details. But here are the main headlines for today...

a man and woman sitting on a couch with a dog
  1. Alex and Mauricio are having a baby!
  2. The baby is due around New Year's Day.
  3. I don't know how this is possible considering I'm only 31 years old.
  4. How can I be a grandmother at 31?
  5. In the weeks since they told us the news, most of my thoughts have been with Alex, interestingly. I just keep marveling at the feeling. My daughter is having a baby.
  6. I'm getting back on the rowing machine so I can be a cool, hip, and fit granny.
  7. I'm getting started back with Pilates so I can be a limber, stretchy, and strong granny.
  8. I'm going to buy a bright red Trans-Am so I can be a young, awesome, and cool granny.
  9. Just kidding on that last part.
  10. Ladd and I are so happy!!
a man and a woman sitting on a couch with a dog

We have no idea what being grandparents will look like or how much it will change our lives. I will probably watch less Bravo, maybe? (Maybe not.) Can grandmothers have long hair? Can grandfathers look sexy in Wranglers? How long before the baby can ride a horse? How many pairs of baby cowboy boots are too many? Do I suggest names or do I keep my dumb ideas to myself? Can grandmothers wear skinny jeans? Can I move in with Alex and Mauricio for the next three years?

alex drummond mauricio scott wedding photos
Grant Daniels

I will likely continue to have many questions. Some of them will be weird. I will likely buy the baby lots of clothes and probably a play kitchen before it's born. We will figure it out as we go! Right now I'm just savoring the news and savoring each day because I can't believe how fast time is moving.

a person and two children sitting on a bench in front of a log cabin
Ace Cuervo
Ree Drummond and kids

Thank you all for your love and support, and for being a community that my daughter wanted me to share this news with. It means so much to me and our family! We go way back. ❤️

Love, PW

Ree Drummond
The Pioneer Woman

I’m a desperate housewife, I live in the country, and I’m obsessed with butter, Basset Hounds, and Ethel Merman. Welcome to my frontier!