Rob Reiner Calls for Biden to ‘Step Down’: ‘It’s Time to Stop F–king Around’

The director joins a chorus of Democratic donors calling on the president to step aside following a disastrous debate performance

Rob Reiner attends the 24th Annual Beverly Hills Film Festival - day three at TCL Chinese Theatre on May 03, 2024 in Hollywood, California
Rob Reiner (Credit: Paul Archuleta/Getty Images)

Rob Reiner has joined the voices calling for President Joe Biden to bow out of the 2024 presidential race, following a disastrous debate performance and an interview that left viewers unconvinced Biden had what it takes to even potentially beat Donald Trump. “It’s time to stop f–king around,” the director tweeted Sunday. “If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our Democracy. Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity. It’s time for Joe Biden to step down.”

Reiner is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party and open about his political beliefs. He’s among the highest-profile Hollywood Democrats to come out in favor of Biden’s exit from the campaign, as acclaimed showrunner Damon Lindelof also did this past week.

In a February interview with The Guardian, Reiner said, “The question at this election is: do we want to continue 249 years of self-rule and American democracy? Or do we want to turn it over to somebody like Donald Trump who has said that he wants to destroy the constitution, go after his political enemies and turn America into an autocracy?”

“We see autocracy making its move around the world. And so if we crumble, there’s a danger that democracy crumbles around the world,” Reiner added.

In the same interview, he revealed that when asked by the FBI if he knew any members of the Communist Party in the 1950s, his father [actor Carl Reiner] retorted, “I  probably do, but if I did I wouldn’t tell you.” His mother, actress and singer Estelle Reiner, organized a peace group against the Vietnam War.

Reiner is not the only party donor who has called for Biden to leave the race. Netflix cofounder Reed Hastings told ABC News, “Biden is unfortunately in denial about his mental state. He needs to step aside to let a vigorous Democratic leader beat Trump.”

Ahead of Biden’s interview with ABC News on Friday, former PayPal CEO Bill Harris announced he’s pledged $2 million to the new political action committee Democrats for the Next Generation, with the intent of supporting several debates among contenders for the nomination if Biden ends his campaign.

On Saturday, real estate developer Rick Caruso tweeted in response to a Los Angeles Times piece that urged Biden to leave the race, “I deeply respect Joe Biden’s lifetime of service to our country. But the argument @LATstevelopez makes in this column is the right one. In this critical time, in this vital election, stepping aside is the right and honorable thing for President Biden to do.”

Despite those calls, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll published Saturday indicated that Biden is enjoying his strongest polling to date in key battleground states. In the new polls, Trump edged out Biden by just 2% in states that are crucial to victory in November. He leads in Michigan and Wisconsin and is within the poll’s statistical margin of error in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina.


One response to “Rob Reiner Calls for Biden to ‘Step Down’: ‘It’s Time to Stop F–king Around’”

  1. anonymous Avatar

    Reiner has lost credibility asking for people to support a one political party propaganda machine that allowed Iran to attempt genocide on israel and to kill and rape jews, americans, and other multinationals that were just trying to dance at a party. California is rotting under the leadership of the democrats who have allowed racist hate to be fanned against minorities whether by social media or the hateful press which attempts to paint out mexicans as if they are isis which is also blatant racism. Jew’s being attacked on the streets by islamo-nazi hate terrorists who aren’t even prosecuted because they go to democratic run hate mongering instituitions like ucla, usc, harvard, cornell, yale, columbia, and every other hate mongering instituition which are magnifying hate against minorities and being used as brown shirt nazis attacking jews and minorities while using swastikas and support for anti american islamo terrrorists. The democrats leadership in the last fifty years spawned the catastrophic errors of Jimmy Carter and the 1979 iranian hostage situation which allowed the terrorist iran to be created which now threatens to genocide jews like the nazis did 100 years ago. Bill Clinton’s historical record will be marred by shipping away the jobs for most of america to china while making billions with his failed wife while plundering america’s job markets. Then the Obama years resowing the seeds of anti semetism, hate and support of terrorism by empowring brown shirt facists like antifa who were domestic terrorists and isis to take over and genocide millions in iraq and syria. Obama’s depression ravaged america as well while he rewarded the banks making american taxpayers pay for the losses while he became a billionare genocider of Libya, Yemen, myanmar, iraq, and Syria. Biden’s puppetstrings to obama have showed another disastrous failure and America can’t afford to allow iran to attack and kill americans and take them hostage as it has done in Gaza while hollywood kept that mum unlike in 79 with nightline. A vote for the democrats is a vote for; Hamas, Al Qaeda, China to genocide uighurs, for iran to nuke and genocide israel, Russia to genocide Europe, and for China to begin ww3 by attacking Taiwan. America can’t afford to have another term of democratic party failure on the cusp of what could be ww3 as the freedom of all living things on this planet may depend on the decision. Vote republican – Vote Trump…

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