Los fans de "La Rueda de la Fortuna" creen que una concursante Fue robada por los jueces

¿un grave error?

Los fans de "Wheel of Fortune" quedaron desconcertados después de que un concursante en el programa aparentemente dio la respuesta correcta ... y se llevaron a las redes sociales para expresar sus quejas.

Megan, una directora de coro de la escuela secundaria de California, ganó el episodio que se emitió el martes, embolsándose poco más de $14k y pasando a la ronda de rompecabezas.

Su categoría fue "Cosa viva" y le dieron las letras "RSTLNE", con las cuales tuvo que solucionar el siguiente rompecabezas: "_ _N_ _R_ _ _ _ _".

Megan lo hizo bien, añadiendo tres letras antes de que empezara la ronda final, así que la cosa iba así: "P_N_ _RC_ _ D". (La recpuesta final era "Pink Orchid" (Orquídea rosa")

Es aquí donde las cosas se complicaron. Al principio, Megan definitivamente dice "Orchid" ("Orquídea") la segunda palabra del rompecabezas, aunque suena como ella dice "Algo" o, como algunos fans especularon, "Pink" antes de ella, lo que le habría dado la respuesta correcta, "Pink Orchid".

Los jueces no le concedieron el dinero -que resultó ser 40.000 dólares- y el presentador Pat Sajak dijo que pensaba que se había centrado demasiado en tratar de encontrar un cierto tipo de orquídea... Megan dijo "Pony Orquídea" en un momento.

Bueno, los fans del programa incendiaron redes sociales, argumentando que sentían que ella claramente lo dijo al principio y exigiéndole al programa que le diera el premio.

Es ciertamente difícil decir exactamente lo que dijo... pero suena como "Algo" para nosotros, y Megan no se sorprende cuando no le conceden el premio, así que nos permitimos tener algunas sospechas.

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Una gran controversia que ocurrió en la última temporada con Sajak en el programa, esperemos que los próximos episodios tengan más claridad.

'Wheel of Fortune' Fans Outraged After Loss ... Pink or Something Orchid?


"Wheel of Fortune" fans were left bewildered after a contestant on the show seemingly gave the correct answer ... and they took to social media to voice their grievances.

Here's the deal ... Megan, a high school choir director from California, won the episode of 'WOF' that aired Tuesday, pocketing just over $14k and launching herself into the bonus puzzle round.

Her category ... "Living Thing" -- didn't exactly narrow it down for her. And, the given letters "RSTLNE" didn't really clear things up with the puzzle reading "_ _N_  _R_ _ _ _."

Megan did well, adding three letters to the puzzle before the final round began ... so she was working off "P_N_  _RC_ _ D" for the final, two-word puzzle.

Now, this is where things got dicey ... at the beginning of guessing, Megan definitely says "Orchid" -- ultimately the second word of the puzzle -- though it sounds like she says "Something" or, as some fans speculated, "Pink" before it, which would've given her the right answer, "Pink Orchid."

The judges didn't award her the money -- which turned out to be $40,000 -- and host Pat Sajak said he thought she focused too much on trying to find a certain kind of orchid ... Megan said "Pony Orchid" at one point.

Well, fans of the show lost their damn minds on social media ... basically arguing they felt she clearly said it at the beginning and demanding 'Wheel' hand over the bag.

It's certainly hard to tell exactly what she said to begin her guessing ... but it sounds like "Something" to us -- and Megan reacts unsurprised when she's not awarded the cash -- so maybe everything's above board here.

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Heck of a controversy for Sajak's last season on the show ... or maybe he was talking about a past treason? Hard to make out the exact words.


Vanna White ha firmado por 2 años más como la copresentadora de "Wheel of Fortune" y se llevará a casa mucho más dinero esta vez, sin embargo hemos descubierto que las cosas están lejos de resolverse.

Fuentes relacionadas con Vanna nos comentaron que recibió un "aumento de sueldo sustancial" de los tres millones por año que estaba haciendo durante casi dos décadas. Ella no había conseguido un aumento de 18 años.

Como ya informamos, el sueldo de Vanna palidecía en comparación al de Pat Sajak, que gana 15 millones de dólares por temporada.

El abogado de Vanna, Bryan Freedman, estaba en lo que se dijo eran "negociaciones muy difíciles" con Sony. Freedman quería que Sony le pagara al menos la mitad de lo que gana Pat.

Ahora bien, esto es interesante, nuestras fuentes dicen que Sony tenía una cláusula en el nuevo contrato liberando al estudio de cualquier reclamo que Vanna podría tener, pero Freedman insistió en que la cláusula se eliminará y así fue.

coestrellas hasta el final

Supimos que Freedman está reflexionando sobre una posible demanda por discriminación de género contra Sony sobre la base de la disparidad en el pago. Es una demanda interesante y el programa comienza con el locutor diciendo: "¡Aquí están las estrellas de nuestro programa, Pat Sajak y Vanna White!". Salen del brazo, y al menos visualmente, no hay diferencia de estatus entre los 2. En términos de pago, hay una gran diferencia.

La temporada 41 comenzó a rodarse la semana pasada y será la temporada final de Pat. La temporada 42 tendrá a Ryan Seacrest a las riendas

¿Vanna demandará a Sony? Manténgase en sintonía.

Vanna White Re-Ups Wheel of Fortune Contract ... Substantial Pay Increase

Vanna White has signed on for 2 more years as the cohost of "Wheel of Fortune," and she'll take home a lot more cash this time around, but we've learned things are far from settled.

Sources connected to Vanna tell TMZ, she received a "substantial pay increase" from the $3 million per year she was making for nearly 2 decades. She had not gotten a raise for 18 years.

As we reported, Vanna's pay paled by comparison to Pat Sajak, who is pulling in $15 mil per season.

Vanna's lawyer, Bryan Freedman, was in what were told were "very difficult negotiations" with Sony. Freedman wanted Sony to cough up at least half of what Pat is making.

Now this is interesting ... our sources say Sony had a clause in the new contract, releasing the studio from any claims Vanna might have, but Freedman insisted that the clause be removed ... and it was.


We're hearing Freedman is mulling over a possible gender discrimination lawsuit against Sony based on the disparity in pay. It's an interesting claim ... the show begins with the announcer saying, "Here are the stars of our show, Pat Sajak and Vanna White!" They come out arm-in-arm ... and at least visually there's no difference in status between the 2. In terms of pay, there is a huge difference.

Season 41 began filming last week ... it will be Pat's final season. Season 42 will have Ryan Seacrest at the reins.

Will Vanna sue Sony? Stay tuned.

Vanna White Partial Deal Signed with 'Wheel' 'It's Gonna Get Ugly if Sony Doesn't Get more Generous'

Vanna White has negotiated her deal with "Wheel of Fortune," but only the celebrity version, not the syndicated show, and we're told Sony has made it clear ... they're not receptive to her demands.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Vanna's lawyer, Bryan Freedman, negotiated Vanna's deal for "Celebrity Wheel of Fortune." Turns out that deal was up, but her contract for the syndicated show goes for another year, so first things first.

We're told Freedman told Sony Vanna wanted 50% of what Pat was making, but Sony would not disclose Pat's salary for "Celebrity Wheel." We hear Pat makes just north of $400k an episode. In the end, we're told Vanna settled for $100k an episode, which we're told was a "meaningful bump" from her last contract.

As for the syndicated show, we're told negotiations are halted because of the writers' strike, but the parties are far apart.

TMZ broke the story, Vanna has asked for half of what Pat Sajak makes, which we're told is around $15M a year. Vanna has made $3M for the last 18 years with no salary increase.

Our sources say Freedman asked Sony to use a third party who knows the game show space to evaluate Pat and Vanna's roles and importance on the show, and then come up with a "fair figure." We're told Sony turned thumbs down to that request.

We're told one of the problems ... Sony believes they ended up paying Pat too much and they don't want to use his salary for comparability. Apparently, that hasn't sat well with Team Vanna.


As one Vanna source put it, "It's gonna get ugly if they [Sony] don't get more serious."

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Claudia Jordan 'Wheel' Has Enough $$$ For Ryan and Vanna To Be Happy ... Don't Pressure Him To Give Up Any Salary


Claudia Jordan says there's plenty of money to go around on "Wheel of Fortune" to pay both incoming host Ryan Seacrest and mainstay Vanna White what they deserve ... and Ryan shouldn't have to give up salary to keep Vanna.

The TV and radio host tells TMZ ... she's not in the camp of people online who are calling for Ryan to take less money so the game show can pay Vanna what she's demanding.

Claudia says it's not like a pro sports team trying to stay under a salary cap ... she says there's tons of advertising money pouring in, and 'Wheel' has plenty in its coffers.


TMZ broke the story ... Vanna is fighting with Sony for a huge raise after only making $3 million a year for the last 18 years ... she wants half of Pat Sajak's current $15 million paycheck, or else.

Claudia's well-versed in the game show biz ... she was on "Deal or No Deal" and she says women like Vanna are just as important to the shows as guys like Pat and Ryan.

Claudia sees an opportunity here for Vanna to cash in and make up for being underpaid for all those years ... and she's got some advice for her as well.

'Price Is Right' Gwendolyn Osborne Vanna's Right To Fight For More $$$ ... She's the Gold Standard!!!


Gwendolyn Osborne is applauding Vanna White for holding out for a bigger slice of the TV game show pie ... telling us the "Wheel of Fortune" staple deserves way more money.

The former "Price Is Right" model joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday and we asked about Vanna's salary demand -- at least half of the salary Pat Sajak gets -- $7.5M.

Gwendolyn is fully on board, saying Vanna deserves it, and in the process, she's helping lots of other women.

But, then we asked, what if Sony says final offer -- $4.5M -- should Vanna take it or walk? Watch the wheels turn in Gwendolyn's head.


TMZ broke the story ... Vanna has made $3 million a year for the last 18 years, without a single raise, and wants a big payday when Ryan Seacrest comes aboard as the new host.

As we reported, Vanna and Sony are still far apart, with one insider calling the deal "very difficult."

Vanna White I'm Worth at Least Half of Sajak's Salary ... If You Want Me to Keep Spinning the Wheel

Vanna White has got Sony spinning these days because she won't continue on "Wheel of Fortune" unless she makes at least half of what Pat Sajak has been making ... sources tell TMZ.

Sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations say Vanna is clear -- she's the cohost of the long-running show, so the pay disparity between her and Pat needs to be squarely addressed. Point of fact ... they're introduced this way on 'Wheel' -- "Here are the stars of our show, Pat Sajak and Vanna White."


So they're introduced as equals, but their salaries are anything but. We've confirmed Vanna's salary -- $3 million a year. And get this -- we've confirmed that's what she's made for the last 18 YEARS. She has not gotten a single pay increase in all that time.

Pat reportedly makes around $15 million a year. Vanna isn't asking for that, but we're told her lawyer, Bryan Freedman, is demanding half the amount Pat makes.

Vanna White Should Make ...

One source connected to Vanna put it this way ... "After 41 years as a model employee and more the face of that show than him [Pat], asking for 50% of what he makes seems like a no-brainer."

Sony, we're told, is not on board, at least not yet. One source with direct knowledge described the negotiations as "very difficult."

Our sources also say Vanna feels like the issue is bigger than her. As one source says, "She feels like it's a statement for all women."

We're told Vanna wants to stay on the show, but if she doesn't get what she believes is "a minimum of what is fair," that's a real possibility.

Sony may be in a tough spot here because Vanna provides continuity when Ryan Seacrest takes over for Pat a year from September. It's pretty clear ... they don't want to lose Pat and Vanna at the same time.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Pat Sajak Peeps Air Supply in Hawaii ... Even the Nights Are Better, Now That I'm Retiring!!!


Pat Sajak is easing into retirement in Hawaii by rocking out -- but that's not really the takeaway from this musical outing of his. The real question is why is Air Supply -- which is an AWESOME band -- is playing in a joint in Hawaii and not Vegas?

This clip of the "Wheel of Fortune" host catching the 1980s soft rock group at a jazz club in Honolulu Wednesday is something to behold -- 'cause it's absolutely freaking hilarious.

Check out the footage, obtained by TMZ, which shows PJ sitting front row at the Blue Note alongside his family -- where none other than Graham Russell and co. were up on stage, jamming out to a relatively small crowd. Hey, a gig's a gig.

As you can see, the Supply boys were doing their thing -- but it seems like they may have lost Pat's interest at one point, 'cause the dude was totally zoning out and picking at his fingernail.

Now, as for Pat ... this little vacay comes on the heels of his recent bombshell ... namely, he's retiring from hosting 'Wheel' after this upcoming season and hanging it up after more than four decades on the TV game show.

BTW, Pat's sitting next to his daughter, Maggie, who's occasionally stepped in for Vanna White when she was on vacation. There were reports Maggie was angling for the big job that's now going to Ryan Seacrest. Speaking of Vanna, we've learned she's holding out for at least half the amount Pat makes, or else.

Anyhoo, while Pat may have nodded off during one section of their show ... the dude gave them their props a little bit later -- cheering with the rest of the crowd who gave them a round of applause.

In any case, the dude appears to be ready for life post-'Wheel.' He just might need to find some other entertainment on the island.

We gotta say ... Hawaii's not a bad place to sail off into the sunset.

'Wheel of Fortune' R**N Se*CRE*T New Host!!!

Ryan Seacrest is the master of all ceremonies ... he's just been named Pat Sajak's successor as the host of "Wheel of Fortune."

RS made the announcement Tuesday, taking to social media by saying he's "truly humbled to be stepping into the footsteps of the legendary Pat Sajak" -- adding he's been watching the popular game show for a very long time.

This is the grand prize for hosting game shows. 'Wheel' is one of the most -- if not the most -- successful game show ever. When you add up the viewership, it averages around 20 million a week ... making it the biggest show in TV syndication.

'Wheel' spans generations. It kicks off Season 41 in September ... truly incredible.

Ryan gives major thanks to Pat, adding "I look forward to learning everything I can from you during this transition." Ryan even calls it a full-circle moment ... pointing out one of his first gigs was on the game show "Click," another Merv Griffin venture.

Ryan says he's looking forward to working with "the great Vanna White." She has one year left on her contract and is negotiating a new one.

Ryan's got some free time on his hands after saying goodbye to "Live with Kelly and Ryan" in April.

Ryan Seacrest Early Talks To Replace Pat Sajak ... As 'Wheel of Fortune' Host

Ryan Seacrest is a candidate to take the reins from the outgoing Pat Sajak as the next host of "Wheel of Fortune" ... and we've learned discussions are in the very early stages.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Ryan is an option to replace Pat and he's been talking to Sony about potentially taking over for the retiring host. We're told Ryan has some time in his schedule now to possibly make this work, as he's no longer on "LIVE with Kelly and Ryan."

Sony owns "Wheel of Fortune" and there are reports about a field of unnamed candidates ... though it's unclear who is on the list aside from Ryan. Bloomberg was the first to report Seacrest was a possibility.

What's also interesting ... Ryan was a longtime pal of the late Merv Griffin, who created 'Wheel' -- so you gotta wonder if that factor is helping to propel Ryan's interest.

As we reported ... Pat announced this week he was going to step down as host in 2024 after 41 seasons running point on "Wheel of Fortune." Pat was hired as the host way back in 1981 by Merv.


Ryan, of course, has tons of experience hosting TV shows ... he was the original host of "American Idol" in its heyday and also hosted 'Live' with Kelly Ripa ... so he would make a lot of sense here.

Ryan's rep declined to comment.

Pat Sajak I'm Retiring From 'Wheel of Fortune' ... Next Season Will Be Last


8:54 AM PT -- 6/13 -- Vanna White just tweeted about Pat's announcement, saying, "When we started Wheel of Fortune who could have imagined we’d still be at it 41 seasons later? I couldn’t be happier to have shared the stage with you for all these years with one more to come. Cheers to you, Pat."


Pat Sajak is taking a bow ... announcing he's retiring as host of "Wheel of Fortune" after the upcoming season.

The longtime game show host announced the big news Monday, saying he's decided he's going to hang it up after more than four decades on "Wheel of Fortune."

Pat, who turns 77 in October, says ... "Well, the time has come. I've decided that our 41st season, which begins in September, will be my last." Pat will officially retire in 2024.

He adds ... "It's been a wonderful ride, and I'll have more to say in the coming months. Many thanks to you all."

Pat started hosting "Wheel of Fortune" way back in 1981 -- when Ronald Reagan was still president -- at the suggestion of Merv Griffin. No word from Pat's partner in crime, Vanna White, yet ... she's been working with Sajak on the show since 1982.

A couple years ago, Sajak passed Bob Barker to become the longest-running host of any game show ... and now he's going to set the mark at 41 years.

No word on who might replace Pat as the next host ... but they've got big shoes to fill.

Originally Published -- 6/12 4:43 PM PT

'Wheel of Fortune' Wrestler Defends Sajak After Headlock Hate ... I Loved It!!!

Pat Sajak was simply being funny when he showed off his wrestling skills on a contestant ... so says the guy who took it on the chin, and now he's urging folks to cut the "Wheel of Fortune" host some slack.

We spoke to Fred Jackson who tells us ... as a pro wrestler and a showbiz guy, he absolutely loved the moment, and it was actually one of the highlights of the whole show! He says he's the only one who has any business being upset about it, but he's perfectly OK with it.


ICYMI, the 'Wheel' host came under fire after Tuesday's episode, where Fred revealed he's a pro wrestler ... and after he won the bonus round, PS ran over and applied a wrestling move called the "chicken wing."

Fred found it super funny and all done in jest, adding he understands if it isn't everyone's sense of humor -- but he says all the backlash against Pat is taking it too far.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

BTW, Fred says the moment was absolutely not staged -- Pat had a really firm grip on him, and he claims he couldn't get loose if he tried.

No injuries, though, so ... no blood, no foul. Standard 'Wheel' rules.

'Wheel of Fortune' Pat Sajak Ripped for Photo with MTG ... Old Tweets Resurface


7:37 AM PT -- 9/19 -- The other man in the photo, Brian Glenn, tells TMZ the picture was taken about 3 weeks ago at a Beverly Hills restaurant. Glenn says Pat was sitting at a table next to Brian and MTG, and agreed to a photo.

Pat Sajak posing for a photo with Marjorie Taylor Greene is getting double takes on the internet -- especially after old tweets of his have resurfaced that are raising eyebrows.

The "Wheel of Fortune" host stood shoulder to shoulder with the Georgia congresswoman and Right Side Broadcasting Network reporter Brian Glenn in a photo that popped up out of nowhere Saturday. There's no context on where or when it was shot, but people don't care.

The fact he's there with them at all -- especially Rep. Greene, smiling from ear to ear -- is enough for folks to be ripping him on Twitter ... which they absolutely are.

The reactions are brutal ... people are saying that Pat's showing his true colors here, and some are even vowing to boycott his iconic game show because of this. One person jokingly said Pat was pictured here with Vanna Whitesupremacist -- a reference to ... well, you get it.

Others are noting that Pat's actually expressed his conservative views in the past ... pointing to since-deleted tweets that are being attributed to him from years ago.

While a good amount of Twitter users seem genuinely shocked by this ... others say this is old news, as it's apparently been known where PS leans politically. Still, the fact he's yukking it up with these two, specifically, is a brand of conservativism that give many pause.

It's been noted that Pat seems to be on the verge of retirement, and if true ... maybe he's just letting it all hang out in public. What this might do to his legacy is anyone's guess.

Originally Published -- 9/18 11:00 AM PT

'Wheel of Fortune' Fail Pressure Just Too Much for Me!!! No Feather in His _a_

The "Wheel of Fortune" contestant who missed what many consider the most obvious answer ever says the bright lights played a role in his historically unforgettable moment on the show.

Christopher Coleman -- one of the 3 'Wheel' contestants who failed to solve ..."ANOTHER FEATHER _N YO_R _A_" -- tells TMZ ... the pressure and scrutiny were just too much in his big moment.


It wasn't just the stress of trying to solve the puzzle in crunch time, though ... Christopher says it had been more than 30 years since he last heard the idiom, "another feather in your cap."

By now you have probably seen the clip of Christopher spinning the wheel and guessing "G" before getting another crack and guessing "D" -- neither of which were in the phrase.

As Christopher explains, he guessed "G" because he thought the last word was "bag," but meant to say "C" when he guessed "D" ... a mistake he chalked up to being up against the clock.

Naturally, folks on social media are having a field day at Christopher's expense ... but he's calling for some empathy and has a message for all the trolls out there.

Pat Sajak has come to the contestants' defense ... and Christopher echoed many of Pat's comments, saying folks at home don't know what it's like to be in the middle of a nerve-wracking game, and it's easy to poke fun from your couch.

Christopher is owning up to his mistakes though ... he says he should have just solved the puzzle when he finally figured out the answer, instead of taking a risk on another spin and going bankrupt.

Despite the viral fail, Christopher says going on 'Wheel' fulfilled a lifelong dream and he appeared on the show in memory of his grandmother, Lucy, who recently passed away.

In a strange twist, Christopher did win a trip to Saint Lucia, and Lucia translates to his grandma's name.

'Wheel of Fortune' Contestant Snags New Audi!!! Even After Losing on Show

On "Wheel of Fortune" you're either a winner or a loser -- but one contestant who many feel got screwed into taking an 'L' ... still managed to scoop up a brand new Audi.

That's right, on Monday Charlene Rubush finally got some justice when she took home a brand new Audi Q3 3, the SUV she would've won when she was on 'Wheel' ... if not for a technicality.


In case you missed it, Charlene lost during a final round last month after solving the phrase "CHOOSING THE RIGHT WORD." The problem is she paused too long before saying "word" -- well, at least that's what Pat Sajak and the 'Wheel' judges deemed. Watch the clip ... easy to see why viewers were outraged.

Anyway, she missed out on taking home a $40,000 Audi Q3 -- but now the Audi dealer in Henderson, NV came through for her. Charlene tells TMZ ... “The car drives so well. I'm loving it!! Much needed since my husband and I have been sharing one car since we moved here 3 years ago!”

After Charlene's episode, Audi actually tweeted that she was still a winner in their eyes. They tracked her down to gift her with the car anyway. And, yes they covered the entire cost ... including taxes!!!

Guess she really did win for losing. Congrats on your new ride, Charlene.

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