Jesse Palmer Talks Bachelor Nation, Baking Shows & First Father’s Day as a Dad

Disney/John Fleenor

From hosting baking showdowns and Bachelor Nation rose ceremonies to analyzing football games and filming spots for things such as Tablo, Jesse Palmer is a busy man. The 45-year-old added dad to his list of roles when he and his wife, Brazillian model-photographer, Emely Fardo welcomed their daughter Ella in January.

For Palmer, it’s a juggling act. One he couldn’t be happier to tackle. Here he opens up about celebrating his first Father’s Day. The hard-working TV personality also chats about the upcoming milestone seasons of The Bachelorette and The Golden Bachelorette.

How would you say the Summer Baking Championship competition has been going this season? Fun to see that there will be some “Shark Week” inspired challenges to come. 

Jesse Palmer: We have some really difficult challenges coming up. I think the bakers at this point have really shown their skills and how talented they are. We’ve really been testing their mettle, but I think the challenges are about to get so much tougher. We find at this time of the competition as we’ve seen in the past, how the cream rises to the top. It’s not going to be easy by any stretch.

Jesse Palmer

Jesse Palmer/Instagram

Have you learned a few things from hosting? 

Yes, I’m a sponge. I’m always listening to the judges and their feedback. For Duff [Goodman], it’s toast your nuts. It’s all those sorts of things you take from this experience.

You’re coming up to your Father’s Day as a dad. What does this mean to you? Any big plans? 

I���m really excited about it. It’s momentous. The first Father’s Day for my family. We’re heading to New York City to spend a weekend there. Emely and Ella and myself. It’s a very special place for us. It’s where Emely and I met. It’s where we fell in love. It’s where our story began, so getting the chance to go back and visit some friends, and introduce friends to Ella. Also, hang out in the neighborhoods where Emely and I used to live. We can take this trip down memory lane. For us, it’s going to be really special. And of course, we’re going to eat a lot. It’s going to be great.

Given all the projects you’re working on, has it been more challenging finding the work-life balance? 

Yeah, it’s honestly very busy. It’s the old football mentality, the quarterback mentality of just playing the next play. Focusing on what’s next. I feel like I have a lot more balance at least in terms of slowing down. Spending a lot more time at home with Emely and Ella. A lot of our free time these days is at home and just enjoying each other’s company. I think in the past for us, any time we had free time, we’d shoot off to Paris or take off on some trip to travel and squeeze it in between jobs. I think now it’s a lot more balanced and being at home and getting to enjoy that. It has been one of the best parts of being a father.

Emely Fardo

Jesse Palmer and Emely Fardo (Emely Fardo/Instagram)

You’re featured in a lot of advertising for Tablo. What are some of the shows you like to watch through this service? 

The cool thing with Tablo is it’s for Emely and I. It’s great for people who are really busy who oftentimes only get a chance to watch TV until the end of the day. It’s great because it allows us to watch our favorite things. For me, it’s watching my favorite sports. For my family, there are some drama shows and news programs and reality TV programs and any other broadcast channels subscription-free. What’s fun and nostalgic for me is that it’s not just all the latest and greatest shows. It’s a lot of shows I grew up watching as well. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Full House were favorites I remember watching with my family growing up. To get to watch those now on Tablo has been great.

Who are some of your favorite TV dads? 

Dany Tanner from Full House stands out. Also, Philip Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was great too. Danny was caring, and loving and did everything with a great sense of humor I thought. Although Philip Banks may have been a bit more strict, he is very protective and also loving and caring in his own way.

It’s crazy to think you were first on The Bachelor 20 years ago. How do you look back on that time and compare it to the show you host today? 

It’s amazing how much the show has grown. I think the overall genre of reality TV has grown. When I was on the show back in 2004, the show was still brand new. That whole genre of television felt that way. It has grown exponentially.  I think the magic of the show is the fans. The Bachelor Nation. It has grown along with it. Social media really changed the game. Streaming services allowed people to watch it where they may not have been able to otherwise. It has helped the show. It has been so much fun. It really is a full-circle moment to be back with the franchise now. There are still some familiar faces working behind the camera from when I was first there. It has been amazing.

Jesse Palmer Food Network

Food Network

How is it having Jenn Tran as the first Asian American lead role on The Bachelorette

Yeah. I think it’s great for Jenn. I know it’s something of great meaning and special to her. It’s special to the franchise as well. I think one thing that used to be part of the big conversation for the show and franchise is inclusivity and diversity. Jenn is such a tremendous person. I think she is very aware of it. I think she is proud. I don’t want to speak on her behalf, but I know it’s something she is aware of. This is a big milestone. We’re so excited. I couldn’t be more happy for her. We’re excited for people to watch her journey unfold.

This year we’re also getting the first Golden Bachelorette with Joan Vassos. What do you think that will be like compared to what we’ve seen with The Golden Bachelor

I’m excited for her journey. Between us, I have no idea what to expect. We’re getting ready to film that pretty soon. I think there are going to be a lot of takeaways and similarities from what we saw with Gerry [Turner]. With her, being in a house full of older guys. I don’t know what it’s going to be like. This will be the first. It’s a first for me too. I know she is excited. I’ve spoken with her a lot and can’t wait to get started. I guess we’re going to find out together.

Jesse Palmer and Gerry Turner in 'The Golden Bachelor' Women Tell All special


Do you often get friends asking to be set up on or off the show and campaign for you to help them find their own successful relationships? 

[Laughs] Actually yeah. There are all types of different people that reach out and are curious about it. What’s funny is that is one of the bigger differences between the show and the genre compared to back when I was on it. When reality TV dating shows were new, people were more cautious and uncertain. I think today it’s just so accepted. It has been normalized. Yeah, I get different people reaching out and asking about who is available and who is not. And if there are any vacancies, to let them know.

Who has the more rabid fanbase college football fans or the Bachelor Nation? 

That’s actually a great comparison. I’ve always said that Bachelor Nation is a lot like college football fans. Extremely, extremely passionate. Very, very knowledgeable and very invested.

With you being a new dad, what has been the best advice you’ve received? 

It’s funny I’ve gone to family, best friends, former teammates, and people I worked with on The Bachelor and asked for advice. Probably one of the best pieces of advice I got was just trust yourself. You’re going to figure it out yourself. That’s part of the journey and experience I think. I think one of the surprising things about fatherhood has been how quickly it has become second nature. I think a lot of first-time parents have absolutely no idea what to expect, but it’s amazing with every diaper you change, every time you swaddle and soothe, you just get more and more confident. Emely and I have been a great team throughout it all. Every day is a different day.